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发射光色即使在黑暗中也会照射出来。Emissive color is given off even in darkness.

圆形偏光镜用于改善发射显示器的可见性。Circular polarizers are used to improve the viewability of emissive displays.

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本论文的的核心技术就是在开发一轻、薄并可挠曲的发光板。The focus of this paper is to develop a thin, flexible and light emissive sheet.

介绍一种用于适用于超高频段以上的射频读写器功率控制方案。Present a design of the Emissive Microwave Power Control used for the UHF RFID Reader.

随年龄的增大,质心位置越接近于发射超声的中心频率。The SCP of backscattering signals approach the emissive center frequency with increase of ages.

想一想,在狭小的空间里,聚集了那么多电磁“发射场”,难道不可怕吗?Want, in narrow space, collected so much electromagnetism " emissive field " , cannot be afraid of?

本文给出了发射探针和电容探针测量等离子体电位的实验和方法。Experiments and methods for measuring plasma potential with emissive probe and capacity probe are described.

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发射光色即使在黑暗中也会照射出来。你可以在做霓虹招牌或者在黑暗中发光的物体时用到。Emissive color is given off even in darkness. You could use this for a neon sign or a glow-in-the-dark object.

漫反射材质组件会造成一种不光滑的表面,而放射光组件则制造出一种发光效果。The diffuse material component creates a matte surface, while the emissive component creates a glowing effect.

与未训练发射率样本得出的温度相比,训练后的温度值更为精确。Compared with the temperature without the trained emissive rate, the temperature is more accurate through training.

对呼吸器官的效果,频度变化能把恶劣车站的发射力量模拟得很好而且很好。The frequency shift can simulate the emissive power of the base station very well and is good to the respiratory effect.

本文叙述了复蒸银对银氧铯阴极发射性质的改进。This paper describes an effective improvement of the emissive properties of the Ag-O-Cs photocathode by repeating evaporation silver.

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通过冲击波后参数和氩气电离度的理论计算,解释了冲击压缩下氩气的发射光谱特性。The emissive spectrum properties of shock compression argon were qualitatively explained by the state parameters and ionization degree.

叙述了复蒸银对银氧铯阴极发射性质的重大改进。This paper describes an effective improvement for the emissive properties of the Ag-O-Cs photocathode by repeated evaporation of silver.

结果表明,远场光束质量与初始场的空间分布有关,且随发射功率增大而变差。It is shown that the beam quality in the far field depends on the initial field distribution, and is degraded with increasing emissive power.

理论分析和实际应用都已证明,高辐射率涂料在电辐射加热条件下的应用可取得比在火焰炉内更好的节能效果。Comparing with its application in flame furnace, high emissive coating in radiation heating process by electricity does better on energy saving.

本文的第二个部分乃进行茀系施体-受体共聚高分子之合成、性质鑑定、并将其应用于发光二极体之制备。In the second part of this thesis, fluorene-based donor-acceptor copolymers was synthesized and utilized as the emissive layer of light-emitting diodes.

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本文从体三维显示技术的理论模型出发,利用主动发光式器件LED制成的旋转屏幕,成功研制了基于平面屏旋转的体积扫掠型体三维显示系统。The paper analyzed volumetric 3D display's theory model and developed a rotating planar screen based volumetric 3D display system by emissive LED screen.

人们的绝大部分时间是在室内度过的,接受来自建材放射性的照射是长期的、反复的低剂量慢性照射。The majority time of people is spent indoors, accept coming from illuminate of building materials emissive is long-term, iteration small dose chronic exposure.

电收尘器投用初期收尘效果较好,使用一段时间后常因管理原因致出口粉尘排放总量增加。In the early days of using, electric dust collector worked better. Because of the management , the total amount of emissive dust increased after a time of using.