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会议安排在星期五下午。The meeting isd for Friday afternoon.

这是以前照的,现在发上来。This is old photo, emit to network isd now.

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总之,对撞流干燥技术是一种优良的刨花干燥方式,具有良好的应用前景。In a word, ISD is a good method of drying particle and bears a wonderful prospect.

因此引起本研究想要从科技思维框架的角度诠释权力对企业导入IS过程的影响。Through the theory of technology frame interpret these power operations in the process of ISD.

各新闻组均与政府新闻处总部紧密合作,处理各局及部门在资讯、公关和宣传方面的工作。ISD headquarters on information, public relations and publicity aspects of the work of departments or bureaux.

派驻香港金融管理局筹划处的政府新闻处人员,负责协助执行有关的安排。ISD team was attached to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Planning Division to help implement the arrangements.

派驻香港金融管理局筹划处的政府新闻处人员,负责协助执行有关的安排。An ISD team was attached to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Planning Division to help implement the arrangements.

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结果表明GIS与评价模型的结合可以高速、有效地进行城市地质环境的综合性评价。It isd em onstrated that the GIS methodology has high functionality for urban geo-environ mental synthesis evaluation.

对此,一方面采用三参数流量计代替上压力计,另一方面设计了泄流式验封密封段。Therefore a 3-parameter flow meter is used to replace the upper pressure meter, on the other hand, a seal section isd.

各新闻组均与政府新闻处总部紧密合作,处理各局及部门在资讯、公关和宣传方面的工作。They work closely with ISD headquarters on information, public relations and publicity aspects of the work of departments or bureaux.

基于MCS51单片机和美国ISD公司数码语音芯片25120,研制出一块集语音报警、液晶显示和打印于一体的矿用型多功能语音报警卡。This paper develops a card with sound alarming, YJ display and print based on ISD Company's 251201 and MCS51 single- chip microcomputer.

该文在介绍教学系统设计方法模型的基础上,具体分析了在企业培训中如何运用、实施教学系统设计方法。On the basis of the review of the model of ISD method, this article analyzed the practical applications of ISD in enterprise training in details.

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留学生在办理所有入学手续并接受入学教育后,可以到留学生处管理办公室领取学生证和校徽。After the enrollment procedure and the orientation meeting, international students may collect your identification card and the school badge at ISD.

我是通过我的旧闪光挖掘一些实验,发现这一点。该代码是有点乱。享受。在移动和定位所有工作是与…I was digging through some of my old flash experiments and found this. The code is somewhat of a mess. Enjoy. All of the movement and positioning isd.

留学生改变住址时,应征得宿舍管理部门的同意,并在搬家后一周内到留学生处管理办公室重新登记。When you change your living place, you should ask for permission from the management office and re-register at ISD within one week after your removal.

无论是整体竞争力基础的方法,还是选择和性能的详细图片的方式显示出跟教育技术有关。Both the overall competency based approach and also the selection and manner of describing the detailed performance statements show a clear ISD parentage.

在本文中,为了探求刨花对撞流干燥的干燥特性、对刨花品质和影响及其动力学规律,进行了以下三个方面的研究。In this article, the following three researches are accomplished to discover the drying characteristics, influence on the quality of wood particles and kinetic rules of ISD.

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ISD是指单个腺管出现于脂肪组织中,要么直接与脂肪细胞相连,要么仅被薄层纤维肌性组织分隔。ISD was defined as a solitary gland lying individually in adipose tissue, either directly abutting adipocytes or separated from them by only a thin rim of fibromuscular tissue.

首先,在不同气流温度、温度、流量及不同刨花初含水率、载带率条件下进行刨花对撞流干燥实验。First, experimental study on the influence of air temperature, velocity, initial moisture content of wood particles and mass flow rates ratio in the process of ISD has been performed.

便携式哑人说话机采用单片机作为核心控制单元,ISD语音芯片作为语音合成及存储器件。This paper introduces a design of speaking machine for mute people by adopting the single chip computer as the key control module, ISD pronunciation chip as storing and the speech synthesis device.