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尽力不要强迫性清洁。Try not to compulsively clean.

他们总是不自觉的回到这种回忆中。They keep compulsively going back to it.

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不过我想强调,别硬拉关系。But I would stress, don't "network" compulsively.

在她年轻时她几乎是强迫地行乐。In her youth she seemed to dissipate almost compulsively.

她们幼时被强迫喂食,并服用激素药物。They were fed compulsively in petticoats and took the hormone.

那只能说明你非常喜欢它们,甚至有些狂热。Well, that just means you like them very much, maybe even compulsively.

拒不拆除的,由公安机关强制拆除。Refus does not demolish, demolish compulsively by public security mechanism.

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我说的是,过去我买了很多书,衣服,还有碟片,都是冲动一时买下的。I told my own story of how I used to buy books and clothes and compact discs compulsively.

但是强制性的反复思考就会成为另外一种浪费时间的做法了。But compulsively thinking and thinking and thinking is just another way to waste your time.

猪流感使人们及时收听最新的消息和关注新网站。The swine flu has readers compulsively listening to news updates and refreshing news websites.

在军队服了义务兵役之后的那个夏天,我强迫自己读了海明威。The summer after my year of involuntary service in the Chinese Army, I read Hemingway compulsively.

尽管它的样子令人厌恶,安东尼奥斯却着魔般的一直带着这把弓,好像被它的影响力所掌控恐吓着一样。Despite its repulsive state, Antonius compulsively kept the bow close to him, as if in fear of its influence.

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一是限制型的,患者严格限制食品摄入并强迫自己运动。One is the restricting type, wherein the individual severely restricts food intake and compulsively exercises.

如果你总是不由自主地想去检查邮件、网站统计数据、RSS订阅、论坛,最好想想为什么你要去做。If you check emails, website statistics, RSS-feeds, forums a bit compulsively think about why you are doing it.

当然我的另类癖好以譬如打扮成婴儿的人、收集死掉的东西的人或者强迫用漂白粉洗澡的人这样的专题为主。Sure My Strange Addiction features people who dress like babies, collect dead things, and compulsively bathe in bleach.

不在线或不吸毒的时候,瘾君子会习惯性地难以自禁地去追寻,渴望和再次制造那种飘飘欲仙的快感。The addict becomes conditioned to compulsively seek, crave and recreate the sense of elation while off-line or off-drug.

暂时停下为观众疯狂打字,给世界抛个大的帐篷派对并展示你能做的。Throw a giant tent party for the world and show off what you can do when you stop compulsively typing for an audience of one.

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个人强制翻出在不同的补丁在头皮上的头发,和可能的睫毛和眉毛。The individual compulsively pulls out strands of hair in distinct patches on the scalp, and possibly the eyelashes and eyebrows.

他们都憎恨女人,会不由自主地卷入与他人的竞争,沉迷于精神胜利法以及在无意识中存在着对死亡的恐惧。They are both misogynic, tend to compulsively compete with others, indulge in spiritual victory and unconsciously have fear of death.

“因为消费者都贪便宜”,他直接告诉记者,如果强制执行,“我们就退出。"Because of consumer anxious to get things on the cheap " , he tells a reporter directly, if be carried out compulsively , "We are exited.