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他大胆地问了另一个问题。He nerved himself to ask another question.

佳丽与雷电都是弱神经型的犬。Both Callie and Thunder are weak nerved dogs.

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这种想法激励我再作一番努力。The thought nerved me to make an other effort.

翻译他鼓起勇气向那个女孩表达了他的爱。He nerved himself to express his love to the girl.

她终于鼓起勇气告诉他,她已经为人之妻了。She was finally nerved to tell him that she was already a wife.

然后他终于鼓起勇气,让我再拿起小提琴。And then at last, he nerved himself to let me take my violin up again.

故此需要有应激压力测试,以便从基因库中剔除弱神经型的犬只。And it requires stress tests to weed weak nerved dogs out of the gene pool.

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他鼓足勇气,打了一拳,可是份量不够重,出手也不够快。He nerved himself for the blow, but it was not heavy enough nor swift enough.

她鼓起勇气走进牧师住宅的栅栏门,按了门铃。She nerved herself by an effort, entered the swing-gate, and rang the door-bell.

是什么目标激励我们或我们的前人做出这一选择的呢?What was the object that nerved us, or those who went before us, to this choice?

经过一番激烈的思想斗争,他镇定下来,走进教室去认错。It was a hard struggle with him to make new advances, now, but he nerved himself to it and entered.

如果这位冷静如冰的投手真的有懊恼,洋基球员倒可能很想看看他的表情。If the icy- nerved hurler had been, the Yankees probably would have been curious to see what it looked like.