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这个故事的寓意?Moral of the story?

人是能辨是非的动物。Man is a moral being.

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什么是道德风险?What is moral hazard?

这样做是不讲道义的。It is not moral to do so.

真次!不讲道德。Qué malo! No tiene moral.

完全没有一点道德顾虑。There's no moral scruple.

不要违反道德的准则。Don't violate moral codes.

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有同学是道德素食者吗?Any moral vegetarians here?

可能他们都是高尚的人They could be moral people.

以及那么高尚的道德品质。And the noble moral character.

少给我来那一套道德说教!Don't give me that moral crap!

他违抗道德标准。He defied the moral starldards.

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我看不太出这与道德风险有何相似之处。Is this a form of moral hazard?

道德进退两难加剧了。The moral dilemmas intensified.

我们有道义上的责任。We have a moral responsibility.

他按照严格的道德准则生活。He lives by a strict moral code.

她的愤慨主要是道德上的。Her indignation is mostly moral.

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关于道德标准我们有不同意见。We differ about moral standards.

刻板印象还能产生道德问题。moral problems over stereotypes.

可以说是道德沦丧。It can be said of moral turpitude.