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颠倒梦想女诗人。Poetess Inverting the Dream.

英国女诗人罗塞蒂.C.G。Chtistina Georgina Rossetti. British poetess.

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李清照是中国最伟大的女词人。Li chingchao was the greatest poetess of China.

她似乎不像个女诗人,更像一个心烦意乱的家庭主妇。She seemed less like a poetess than a distracted housewife.

文章对香港女诗人韦娅诗文创作中的“爱的主题”作了诗意的阐释。This paper expounds on the love motif in the poems of Wei Ya, a poetess in Hongkong.

周诒蘩是晚清时期湖南地区女性文学创作成绩突出的一位闺阁诗人。Zhou Yifan is a poetess of prominent achievement in Hunan district in late Qing Dynasty.

那逊兰保是清代蒙古族文学史上著名的女诗人。Nasonlanbo was a very famous poetess in the history of Mongolian literature in Qing dynasty.

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这样的风气也影响了唐代女性从而使她们的心灵世界弥漫着迷蒙的道教情怀。The vogue also affected the poetess whose spiritual world were suffused hazy concern of Taoism.

李清照是宋代杰出的女词人,她的词以南渡为界,分为前后两期。Li Qingzhao was an outstanding poetess of the Song Dynaoty. Her ei can be divided into two periods.

第三章对清代女诗人常用的题材进行了类型分析。Chapter three the subject matter that the poetess was commonly used has carried on type analysis to Qing Dynasty.

十九世纪英国著名诗人白朗宁夫人的十四行诗,有其独到的魅力。The sonnets of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, a famous English poetess of the19th century, are unique in their charm.

于北宋末期登上词坛的杰出的女词人李清照与其他男性词人相比是别树一帜。Compared with the other poets. The poetess Li Qingzhao was the most outstanding at the end of the Bei Song Dynasty.

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朱淑真是我国文学史上有名的女诗人,她的诗词感情沉痛。Zhu shuzhen a well-known poetess in the history of chinese literature expressed deep feeling of grief in her poems.

美国19世纪著名女诗人艾米莉·狄金森以新颖独特的意象和不拘一格的语言形式著称。The American poetess Emily Dickinson in the 19th century is well-known for her original imagery and unbound language style.

其次从“形气既雌”的女诗人和“诗意亦荡”的女冠两方面出发,论述李冶本身形象在后世的影响。Second, discussing the influence of the image herself in the later, from the identity of poetess and a female Taoist priest.

李清照作为一代著名的女词人,在她的词作中,表现了人类精神领域的一个重要组成部份——女性情感世界。As a famous poetess of her generation, Li Qingzhao expressed females' passion, an important element in the field of human minds.

笑一笑而忘掉,比愁眉苦脸地记住要好得多。英国女诗人罗塞蒂。Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad. --Chtistina georgina rossetti. british poetess.

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近代女诗人秋瑾的革命事业众所周知,然本文拟由她的艺文生命以观看她的身分认同问题。Modern poetess Qiu Jin's revolutionary cause is well known, ran this article to be by her artistic life, to view the issue of her identity.

她还杜撰了一个多愁善感的神话般的女诗人及其生平,而在戈登女士的这本传记里,那些谎言都被戳破了。She also constructed the sentimental view of the mythic poetess and her milieu which Ms Gordon's biography has now so effectively dispelled.

存在主义视角下的狄金森诗歌反映了诗人和存在主义者的许多契合之处。Dickinson's poetry from the perspective of existentialism reflects that the poetess happens to have a lot in common with the existentialists.