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我知道最近他表现不好。I know he was misbehaving.

看那男孩,他老是淘气。Look at the boy! He is always misbehaving.

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不过你的狗落表,如果是行为不检。Do not ever take your dog off the table if it is misbehaving.

除非你的行为不良,银行不会要求你立刻还钱The bank won't ask for it back right away unless you start misbehaving.

你必须找出方法使这些行为不佳的学生感到非常不舒服。You must find a way to make it very unpleasant for misbehaving students.

拥有大庭院并不等于爱犬的运动量就足够了。The best advice for a dog who is misbehaving is to increase his exercise.

这个阶段的重点是引导行为不良的学生作自我评估。The point of this phase is to guide a misbehaving student to self-evaluate.

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但是,他们希望他们抽干政治家和行为不端名人的血。But they want them to draw blood from politicians and misbehaving celebrities.

眼下,他们却说“只要你把白宫交出来,我们就会停止不规矩的行为”。Now they were saying, We’ll stop misbehaving if you give us the White House back.

请考虑这样一种情况,运行不正常的终结器试图将信息记录到脱机的数据库。Consider a misbehaving finalizer trying to log information to a database that is offline.

若学生在上课期间行为失当或许是因为他觉得无聊或感到挫折。If a student is misbehaving , it could be because he or she is bored or feels frustrated.

上次我坐公交车时,男孩子们又在嘲笑一个印度人,他只能沉默以对。The last time I got a bus on which boys were misbehaving , one Indian did remonstrate quietly.

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一个区域的行为也许正好是另一个错误配置或表现失常的区域的征兆。A behavior of one area might be just the symptom of another incorrectly configured or misbehaving area.

保证在没有响应返回给用户时,没有行为不当的事务会完全占有资源。It ensures that no misbehaving transaction can tie up resources while returning no response to the user.

但对有钱人、名人或大权在握的人而言,出轨的诱惑和机会要大得多。But for the rich, famous or powerful, the temptations and opportunities for misbehaving are much greater.

但对有钱人、名人或大权在握的人而言,出轨的诱惑和机会要大得多。But for the rich, famous or powerful, the temptations and opportunities for misbehaving are much greater.

有些人说,他们小时候做错事之后会受到父母同样的对待。Some said they had been subjected to the same treatment from their own parents after misbehaving as children.

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而当我们看到几乎所有人过去不端行为的照片时,我们将停止现在这种假装的愤怒。When we can see photos of almost everyone misbehaving in the past we'll stop the pretend outrage over the present.

对于控制酒后驾驶和防止公众场所不正当行为的法律法规,我举双手赞成。I'm all for laws and rules about alcohol to try to keep people from drinking and driving or misbehaving in public places.

对于控制酒后驾驶和防止公众场所不正当行为的法律法规,我举双手赞成。I’m all for laws and rules about alcohol to try to keep people from drinking and driving or misbehaving in public places.