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越过Bhamdoun之后,贝卡谷地在我们面前豁然开朗。Just after Bhamdoun, the Bekaa Valley opens up before us.

袭击是几个月前在黎巴嫩中部贝卡谷地的真主党游击队营地策划的。The attack was planned over several months at Hezbollah’s training camp in the Bekaa Valley in central Lebanon.

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少年迪亚哥出生在美国的加州,是贝卡家的公子,父亲是一位农场主,家中很富有。Diego Junior was born in the United States, California, is the son of the Bekaa home, his father was a farmer, a very rich family.

星期四,在贝鲁特和贝卡谷地的街上还在发生激烈的交战,这导致机场、海港和道路被关闭。Fierce street fighting continued Thursday in Beirut, as well as in the Bekaa Valley, shutting down the airport, seaport and roads.

3月23日,7名爱沙尼亚游客从叙利亚骑自行车进入黎巴嫩境内,在黎东部贝卡谷地城市扎赫勒附近被持枪人员绑架。March 23, 7 Estonia cycling tourists from Syria into Lebanon, the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon near the city of Zhahe Le abducted by armed officers.

3月23日,7名爱沙尼亚游客在贝卡谷地被持枪人绑架,这是黎近年来最严重的一次外国人绑架案。March 23, seven in the Bekaa Valley Estonian tourists kidnapped by gunmen, which is the most serious in recent years, a Lebanese kidnapping foreigners.

最新的事件发生在黎巴嫩东部贝卡谷地的偏远地区,此地与叙利亚的边界处来往密切,难以确定边界。The latest incident took place in a very remote part of Lebanon's eastern Bekaa Valley, where the border with Syria is porous and not even clearly defined.

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位于贝卡谷地的穆萨酒庄葡萄园令人震惊,土壤是陶土红色,葡萄藤——甘美,近乎石灰绿色——被搭在积雪覆盖的山上。Chateau Musar's vineyards in the Bekaa are stunning, the soil is terracotta red, and the vines – a luscious, almost lime green – are framed by snow-capped mountains.

在克里斯琴-贝卡谷地城镇扎赫勒附近的另外一个投票站,那里的局面看上去得到了控制,武装运兵车上的安全部队人员正在守卫那个地区。At another polling station near the Christian Bekaa Valley town of Zahle, the situation appeared under control, with security forces guarding the area in an armed personnel carrier.

博尔顿说,以色列自停火实施以来开展的惟一的一次军事行动是因为在贝卡谷地发现从伊朗和叙利亚向真主党运送的武器。Bolton stated that Israel's one military operation since implementation of the cease-fire was directed at arms shipments in the Bekaa Valley headed for Hezbollah from Iran and Syria.

本月早些时候,随着贝卡谷地一位市长及其妻子,当地一家医院的助产士、医生,因贩卖新生婴儿而遭逮捕,警察破获了一位于黎巴嫩的拐卖儿童团伙。Earlier this month, police uncovered a child trafficking gang in Lebanon after a mayor, his wife, a midwife and a doctor at hospital in the Bekaa valley were arrested for selling newly-born children.