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其四耐寒怕热。Fourth cold Heat intolerance.

没有包容心是互相理解的最大障碍。Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.

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生命短暂,切不可猬琐偏狭。——狄斯累利。Life is short, must not hedgehog intolerance.

症状有紫绀和运动不耐。Signs include cyanosis and exercise intolerance.

我们都不应该容忍那些没有包容心的行为。We are all and should be intolerant of intolerance.

但是现在比以前更甚,不予理解是错误的思维定式。But now more than ever, intolerance is the wrong mind-set.

偏狭小气,机会便少了,世界也小了。Intolerance stingy, opportunity is less, the world is small.

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人们能够也应该公开反对不宽容与仇恨。People can and should speak out against intolerance and hatred.

本品是一种改善乳糖不耐症的制剂。The product is a preparation for improving lactose intolerance.

症状包括呼吸困难、紫绀和运动不耐。Signs include difficulty breathing, cyanosis , and exercise intolerance.

肥胖可引起胎儿过度生长并使糖耐量更差。Obesity can cause excessive fetal growth and worsens glucose intolerance.

有神论,是对社会有害,因为它会导致不宽容和迫害。Theism is harmful to society, as it leads to intolerance and persecution.

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利己主义还可带来第三种的“不容忍”。There remains as a third category the intolerance caused by self-interest.

我有乳糖不耐症。别忘了还有男性型秃发。Uh, there's the lactose intolerance. Don't forget the male-pattern baldness.

比如说,乳糖不耐症引起肠胃不适和胀气,这并非过敏。For example, the gas and stomach pain of lactose intolerance? Not an allergy.

虽然外表文雅,但卡米诺人其实不能容忍任何缺陷。Though outwardly polite, the Kaminoans foster an intolerance of imperfection.

乳糖不耐症是常见的,特别是在非欧洲裔人口。Lactose intolerance is particularly common in non-European ethnic populations.

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乳糖不耐症是指乳糖吸收功能障碍,这些乳糖存在于牛奶中。Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk.

有人批评曼苏尔,说这部电影描述了伊斯兰教的偏执。Mr. Mansoor has been criticized for the movie's depiction of religious intolerance.

酒精不耐受会引起突发的,让人不舒服的反应在有的人喝了酒之后。Alcohol intolerance can cause immediate, unpleasant reactions after you consume alcohol.