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他试图用手势来传递信息。He tried to gesticulate a message.

真人生得比画上可生动了许多。The true life have to gesticulate up vivid many.

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进餐时说话,不可手持餐刀或叉示意。Do not gesticulate with a knife or fork when talking.

甚至仿佛听到他们窃窃私语,指指点点。As if even hear them to steal steal murmurous , gesticulate.

现在我们需要看看我们人类自己是否用右手做手势的时候多于用左手的时候。Now, we should see for ourselves if we gesticulate more righty than lefty.

如果中国符合这个条件,我想没有人敢对中国指手画脚。If China conforms to this condition, I thought nobody dares to gesticulate.

如果中国符合这个条件,我想没有人敢对中国指手画脚。If China conforms to this condition, I thought nobody dares to Chinato gesticulate.

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外国记者边说边用手比划着岗台的厚度。Foreign reporter said that while uses the hand to gesticulate watch tower structure thickness.

朱棣文博士想必也更愿意和满口英文的印度同志比划比划吧。Dr. Steven Chu probably wishes even more that he could also gesticulate to English-speaking Indian comrades.

我扒开人群,映入我眼帘的是一汪血红的湖泊,里面飘着一个人。I pushed aside the crowd, what I saw was a Wang Xuehong lake, which was a person. People with panic gesticulate.