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把所有的丑闻都说给我听。Give me all the dirt.

她把脏土扫了出去。She swept the dirt out.

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她蓬头垢面。Dirt had coated her face.

她生长在泥土里面。She grows inside the dirt.

空气里满是尘埃。The air is loaded with dirt.

我们必须“滤除”尘垢。We must filter out the dirt.

我们放泥土在矩形碟子里面。We put dirt in square trays.

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把你手上的泥污洗掉。Wash the dirt off your hands.

如果你给老板泼脏水。If you have dirt on your boss.

那里面是一个巨大的土块。Inside is this giant dirt clod.

他洗去外衣上的脏东西。He washed the dirt from his coat.

她刷去我衣服上的灰尘。She brushed the dirt off my coat.

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“土,又运了一些土。”那人回答。"Dirt, more dirt. " said the man.

通过如许每一小点脏工具就会被清洗掉。Any specks of dirt are washed out.

骨头碎片和灰尘散落开了。Chips of bone and dirt tumble out.

深色衣服不显脏。Dark clothes do not show the dirt.

泥垢总是积在肚脐眼里。Dirt gets rolled up in your navel.

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他将垃圾扫出了他的房间。He swept the dirt out of his room.

吸尘器把灰尘都吸进去了。The vacuum cleaner sucked up dirt.

你家地板是水泥的还是泥的?Do you have a dirt or cement floor?