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但结果却是纯尼德兰式的。But the result is purely Flemish.

不存在弗拉芒语这种语言。There is no such language as Flemish.

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北方人说弗兰德语,南方人说法语。People speaking Flemish in the north and French in the south.

我们有义务在公务会议上说佛兰德语。We are obliged to speak in Flemish in all our official meetings.

他经常穿着大佛兰德主干管广泛戴着帽子,然后。He used to wear a broad-rimmed hat then with huge Flemish trunk hose.

现在长满了黑霉,就在法兰德斯的沼泽地里埋葬。Would at this moment be mould, in their grave in the Flemish morasses.

但他拒绝放弃自己的观点,其态度打动了佛兰芒狱卒。But he maintained his refusal in a way that impressed his Flemish jailers.

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大家的视线遂转向留给弗朗德勒使臣的看台。Next, all eyes turned towards the platform reserved for the Flemish envoys.

范龙佩是佛兰德人,也是比利时保守派基督教民主党的成员。He is Flemish and a member of Belgium's conservative Christian Democrat party.

这是7月11日参加弗拉芒社区日活动的群众,他们举着佛兰芒旗帜聚集在布鲁塞尔的大皇宫广场。Here, spectators hold Flemish flags at Brussels's Grand Palace on Flemish Community Day, on July 11.

无论您从事何种行业,我们都能帮助您的公司同您正在寻找的法兰德斯公司联系。Whatever the sector, we can help your company connect with the Flemish companies you're looking for.

支持弗拉芒荷语区最终脱离比利时独立的新弗拉芒联盟赢得了最多细微。The New Flemish Alliance, which aspires to eventual independence for Belgium's Flemish half, won most seats.

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这些法雅岛风车房于几百年前由佛兰德殖民者建造,它们具有显著的欧洲特征。Built by Flemish colonists hundreds of years ago, these windmills strike a distinctly European pose on Faial.

南非荷兰语、兰语、英语、兰芝语及德语则属西日尔曼语的几种重要语言。Afrikaans dutch english flemish and german are the more important languages within the west germanic grouping.

非荷兰语、兰语、英语、兰语德语属西日耳曼语种重语言。Afrikaans, Dutch, English, Flemish and German are the more important languages within the West Germanic grouping.

如果我们说了一个法语词,镇地方议会的会议就由佛兰德当局取消。And if we speak one word in French then the town council meetings are officially cancelled by the Flemish authorities.

国家海事博物馆有上最优秀的17世纪佛兰德和荷兰的海上画的世界。The National Maritime Museum is home to some of the finest 17th century Flemish and Dutch maritime paintings in the world.

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佛兰德斯壁毯艺术是一座“移动的丰碑”,它承载着各个时代的文化和众多艺术家们的思想情感。Flemish tapestry art is a 'moving monument' and it carries the cultures in various times and great many artists' sentiments.

佛兰德斯地区大概包括比利时北部以及佛兰德人居住的其它地区。Flanders is a region that consists roughly of the northern half of Belgium and incorporates the Flemish region of the country.

比利时北部被称为Flanders而那个地区人种是佛兰德人并且想要一个独立的Flanders国家。The north of Belgium is known as Flanders and the people of the region are ethnically Flemish and want an independent Flanders.