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簇状萎缩的前列腺腺泡伴发增生性改变。Clusters of atrophic prostatic acini with proliferative changes.

肺小叶由一定数量的腺泡组成,一般是十二个或更少。A secondary lobule is made up of a limited number of pulmonary acini , usually a dozen or fewer.

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PNA可与胰腺及腮腺腺泡结合,二者分布特征也不同。The staining pattern of the parotid gland acini and the pancreas with PNA also markedly different.

认为胰腺因坏死而发育迟缓甚至停滞,致其体积变小。The pancreas stunt and even stagnating were due to its acini necrosis, which made its size smaller.

除啮齿类动物外,人和其它动物粘液腺中肌上皮细胞的平均体积比高于浆液腺中者。The mean proportional volumes of mucous acini were more than those of serous acini except salivary glands of rodents.

软腭和口腔底部粘膜的固有层内有发达的腺体,几乎全是粘液性腺泡。The mucosa of the soft palate and the base of the oral cavity contain rich digestive glands, which almost consist of mucous acini.

胰腺腺泡和胰岛分布于肝脏内大静脉周围,腺泡细胞染色深蓝色。Pancreatic acini and pancreatic islets distribute around main veins, acinar cells being stained into navy blue are closely arranged.

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肺腺泡是指肺终末支气管远端的部分,12个腺泡组成一个次级肺小叶。A pulmonary acinus is defined as that portion of lung distal to the terminal bronchiole, and up to 12 acini can make up one secondary pulmonary lobule.

其腺泡较小,缺乏曲管状,正常排列形态完全丧失,不规则地向基质浸润,胶原结缔组织层已不存在。Its smaller acini , the lack of Qu tubular, and normal morphology with complete loss, irregular stromal infiltration to collagen connective tissue layer no longer exists.

作者观察了采用化学消化、机械分离和离心提纯法制备的胰腺腺泡的机能。The functional character of dispersed pancreatic acini prepared by the method including chemical digestion, mechanical isolation and centrifugal purification was studied.

闰管和分泌管的周围血管丛由来自腺泡毛细血管的门静脉性血管供应。The capillary plexus of the striated ducts and intercalated ducts is supplied by venules with the cha-ractristics of the portal vein as they come from the capillaries of the acini.

唾腺坏死、唾腺管与腺泡的鳞状化生、其鳞状细胞外观平淡无奇,但偶可见异常细胞核。Histology of the tumor revealed necrosis of salivary glands, squamous metaplasia of salivary ducts and acini with bland appearance of the squamous cells which showed occasional nuclear atypia.

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肿瘤的胞核小而圆,大小一致,形成管状结构,与周围少量的间质分隔开。瘤细胞大小均匀,核深染,胞浆少。The tumor is composed of small, uniform, round acini and tubular structures separated by scant stroma. the lining epithelial cells are uniform with hyperchromatic nuclei and hae scant cytoplasm.