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卡卡属于上帝。Kaka belongs to Jesus.

卡卡不应该回来吗?Kaka should not come ?

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不过卡卡并不担心。But Kaka isn’t worried.

卡卡,我们爱你,回来吧!Kaka we love you, come back !

嘿嘿,这可是我的学生噢。Hey, this is my student, kaka.

卡卡财经网,欢迎各位光临!Kaka Financial Network, welcome you to!

而现在,卡卡同样属于皇马。So now Kaka also belongs to Real Madrid.

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迪达和卡卡还有安布罗西尼一起训练。Dida and Kakà also took part as did Ambrosini.

加图所和卡卡将在和阿斯科利的比赛中休息。I think Gattuso and Kakà will set out the match at Ascoli.

在安德莱赫特-米兰的比赛后,球迷将此荣誉授予了卡卡。The fans awarded Kakà Man of the Match for Anderlecht-Milan.

中国北京动物园,在三月阳春白雪。China Beijing Zoo, spring snow in March. Bear. Photo by KaKa.

中国北京动物园,在三月阳春白雪。China Beijing Zoo, spring snow in March. Wolf. Photo by KaKa.

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无论是元老还是新星,每个人都想卡卡回来。From old senators to the new stars, everyone wants Kaka back.

中国旅游,内蒙古,科尔沁,一个博物馆。China travel, Inner Mongolia, Horqin, a museum. Photo by KaKa.

再加上一些优秀的外籍球员,比如卡卡和西多夫。Then there is the quality of foreigners like Kakà and Seedorf.

卡卡带球突破,突然被马特拉齐从后面铲倒了。Kaka ball break, suddenly from behind by Materazzi uprooting a.

卡卡有一次机会在禁区内进球的,但是球反弹的不好。Kakà had a chance inside the area but the ball bounced up badly.

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中国旅游,内蒙古,科尔沁,一个赛马场。China travel, Inner Mongolia, Horqin, a racetrack. Photo by KaKa.

卡卡和因扎吉还有在雅典,摩纳哥和横滨一样的表现。Kaka and Inzaghi are the same of Athens, Monetcarlo and Yokohama.

卡卡了解米兰,家一样的环境有助于他重回巅峰Kaka knows Milan and in the homely scenario is bound to flourish.