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换挡时的准确操纵。Shift when the accurate manipulation.

本店是祖传推拿手法店。Our shop is the ancestral manipulation.

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你只是做一个简简单单的足底按摩。You’re doing a simple foot manipulation.

为什么所有的男人都有控制欲?Why do all men have a thing for manipulation?

操作处理器使用“直接使用”模型。A manipulation processor uses a direct-usage model.

掌握闪火法拔罐的操作。Master the manipulation of flash-fire cupping therapy.

试述头针的操作方法。Try to describe the manipulation of the scalp acupunture.

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于是,每一次操作我都要创建一个类型实例?So, for every manipulation I create a new instance of the type?

脸红妨碍不讲道德地操纵他人。Blushing interferes with the unscrupulous manipulation of others.

因此,我们依靠独特的绘画手法的生活行动。Hence, we relied on unique painterly manipulation of live action.

“从未见过酸浴的照片-抵制金属蚀刻操纵前”?Never seen acid bath photo-resist metal etch manipulation before?

谁都管不了,谁都没本事,当然调皮生就为所欲为了。Unruly, who did not skill, of course, naughty gifted manipulation.

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此外,也将探讨意识形态在非文学翻译中的作用。Besides, manipulation in non-literature translation is also covered.

也许是图像处理,也许是数据库设计,等等。It might be image manipulation or maybe database design or whatever.

他们巧妙地操纵股票市场而大赚其钱。They make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the Stock Market.

另一种经常需要用到的图像操作是旋转图像。Another commonly needed image manipulation is the rotation of images.

一些框架使用代理对象或字节码操作实现此目的。Some frameworks use proxy objects or byte-code manipulation for this.

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在这场争夺中,操纵燃气供应成为了一件有利武器。The manipulation of gas supplies has become a weapon in this contest.

强大的雅利安人的分遣队是操纵和控制媒体的行家。The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media.

首先对激光多普勒测风雷达系统的总体控制方案进行了设计。The paper began with research on automatic manipulation of wind lidar.