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神秘的力量起源于何方?What is the origin of this eldritch power?

邪术巨人是神秘奥术知识的强大传承者。Eldritch giants are powerful scions of arcane lore.

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邪术巨人的近身战斗最为有效。An eldritch giant is most effective as a melee combatant.

邪术巨人讲深渊语、通用语、巨人语和土族语。Eldritch giants speak Abyssal, Common, Giant, and Terran.

马卡尔,我现在统帅千军,每一支魔箭正怒视着你,准备受死吧。I've got an army now, Markal, and every single Eldritch Arrow has your name on it.

甚至经过驾车超速卡车的小屋她可以感觉它的可怕指弹震动。Even through the cabin of the speeding truck she could feel its eldritch thrumming vibration.

邪术巨人笃信者谨慎地在战斗前和战斗中间使用自己的法术能力。Eldritch giant confessors carefully enhance their own abilities with spells before and during a fight.

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邪术巨人居住在孤立山顶的塔上或是附近有奥术能量温泉的洞穴深处。Eldritch giants dwell in isolated mountaintop towers or in deep caverns near wellsprings of arcane power.

而贾妮斯,也成为了卡贝尔怪客组的非正式成员之一,这让瑞克和丽莎颇有些不解。Janice, too, had become an unofficial member of Cabell's eldritch clique, much to Rick and Lisa's puzzlement.

古老的生物从一度强盛的国家消失,邪术巨人们年复一年的四处寻找奥术知识散落的碎片。Ancient creatures fallen from what was once great power, eldritch giants spend countless years seeking out fragments of arcane knowledge.

她们同炼狱中的智慧生物或精界的灵魂沟通,用强力的魔能爆吞噬敌人,或用恶毒的诅咒折磨对手。They commune with infernal intelligences and fey spirits, scour enemies with potent blasts of eldritch power, and bedevil foes with hexing curses.

虽然邪术巨人总是追寻魔法力量,以至于不会陷身于和其他种族战斗,但是他们痛恨风暴巨人。Eldritch giants hate storm giants, although they are typically too involved in their pursuit of magical power to bother with fighting other creatures.

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成群的邪术巨人很少和其他同族一起生活,而是为了寻找失落知识的残片或者其他什么特别的目的去偏远的地方。Groups of eldritch giants rarely live close to others of their kind, driven to remote regions to look for fragments of lost lore or for other strange purposes.

尽管他们自私且残忍,但在必要时,他们拥有进行公平谈判的智慧,也充分明白公开冲突会分散它们的研究精力。Although they are selfish and cruel, eldritch giants are smart enough to bargain fairly when they must and perceptive enough to know that open conflict distracts them from their studies.

邪术巨人笃信者信仰魔法本身所具有的神性,宣扬通过魔法取得的一切东西在道德上都是正确的,凭借这个哲学,他们把自己的残忍行为正当化。Eldritch giant confessors believe in the divinity of magic itself, justifying their cruel actions with a philosophy that proclaims that whatever you can accomplish through magic is morally correct.