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凭良心说,我恐怕不能够去当牧师。I fear I could not conscientiously do so.

你按部就班地干,做到老也是穷死。If you work conscientiously you 'll only die a pauper.

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王莹教数学和她姐姐一样认真。Wang Ying teaches maths as conscientiously as her sister.

将士用命。Officers and men perform their assigned duties conscientiously.

第三,必须认真落实政策。Third, it is imperative that policies be conscientiously implemented.

公务员必须自觉遵守宪法和法律。Civil servants must conscientiously abide by the constitution and laws.

他认真地慢慢儿把那些楔形的鱼肉条全都吃了。Slowly and conscientiously he ate all of the wedge shaped strips of fish.

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他认真地慢慢儿把那些楔形的鱼肉条全都吃了。Slowly and conscientiously he ate all of the wedge-shaped strips of fish.

凭良心,他慢慢的吃掉了所有楔形的细长的鱼。Slowly and conscientiously he ate all of the wedge-shaped strips of fish.

坐回沙发里,修改正在写的文章,窗外的天色也渐渐亮了起来。Then back room, planked myself into the sofa, revised my essay conscientiously.

一要认真执行土地利用总体规划和年度计划。One, we need to conscientiously follow the general plan and annual plan for land use.

认真贯彻落实侨务政策,进一步做好侨务工作。We will conscientiously carry out the Party's policy toward overseas Chinese affairs.

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切实加强对企业改制的指导和监督To Strengthen Conscientiously the Guidance and Supervision over Enterprise Restructuring

他尽责地从头到尾不离席地看宛那些他职责上必检查的影片。He conscientiously sat through the movies which it was one of his official duties to censors.

认真落实惩治和预防腐败的各项任务和措施。We will conscientiously carry out all tasks and measures for punishing and preventing corruption.

全党同志一定要更加兢兢业业地工作,永远不辜负人民的信任和期望。All Party members should work conscientiously and live up to the trust and expectations of the people.

实践中提出了诸多值得认真反思和研究的问题。Meanwhile, many questions in the course of practice are worth introspecting and probing conscientiously.

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认真落实减轻农民负担的各项政策措施。We should conscientiously implement all policies and measures designed to lighten the burden on farmers.

在学校的这两年,我努力吸收老师传授的知识,认认真真完成自己的工作。Two years in school, I tried to absorb the teacher to impart knowledge, conscientiously complete their work.

认真做好财税工作。继续大力增收节支。We should conscientiously handle fiscal and taxation work and vigorously increase revenue and cut expenditures.