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该族群不信仰小乘佛教,而笃信传统的原始宗教。They do not believe in Hinayana but in the primitive religion.

事实上,很多小乘和大乘都不相信金刚乘是佛教。In fact, many Hinayana and Mahayana, they don't think Vajrayana is Buddhism.

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有史料证明有崇信梵文佛典的小乖佛教存在。There is evidence of the existence of some Hinayana Buddhism of the Sanskrit canon.

大乘佛教与小乘佛教几乎同时进入中国。The Mahayana Buddhism and The Hinayana Buddhism came into China almost simultaneously.

传说玄奘在印度取经时曾住在一座大乘佛寺内。In fact, there are two major sects of Buddhism in India, the Mahayana and the Hinayana.

南传佛教的正念禅、止观禅,禅宗的安住当下、默照禅、话头禅等禅法都可理解为安住于真实的存在的方法。Many meditation methods of Hinayana Buddhism and Zen School can be understood as methods of living in the real being.

意指一种能量较小,但是使用起来比较方便顺手的交通工具,可以为一般人接受者。This was " Hinayana ", which means a vehicle of lesser energy, but is more user-friendly and easily accepted by the general public.

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他早年以大乘义理破斥小乘教说,极力称赞空宗之手段、气魄,又为空宗终归空寂而深感可惜。He uses Mahayana theory to criticize Hinayana in his earlier times. He appreciates Madhyamika very much, but regret its trend to Emptiness.

傣族人民既信仰原始宗教,也信仰小乘佛教,在宗教信仰上形成了傣族信仰二元化的特点。The Dai people believe in both original religion and Hinayana Buddhism, which engender important and all-round influence to the culture of the Dai nationality.

泰国阿瑜陀耶王朝时期的家具文化分别在婆罗门教、印度教以及主要是小乘佛教思想影响下使其形成神秘的宗教色彩。On the contrary, the furniture of Thailand Ayutthaya period under the effect of Brahmanism Hinduism and Hinayana Buddhism presents mysterious religious overtones.

虽然部派佛教广律是正统的宗教文献,但是,它也是口头叙述文学。The Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya-pitaka is only the orthodox religion text, but also the narrative literature characterized by widely employed oral-formulas.

本文从语言结构、语言使用、语言观念、文字创制等方面探讨了南传佛教对西双版纳傣语的影响。Influence of Hinayana in Dai Language is direct and specific, which shows in linguistic structure, linguistic application, linguistic attitudes, characters creation and etc.

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通过对小乘佛教及老挝寺院的考察,探讨老挝寺院在总体布局及氛围营造方面体现小乘佛教之自身命运的维系这一主题。Through the examing hinayana buddhism and Laos temples, this article deal with how the destiny of hinayana buddhism is embodied in the structure and running atmosphere of temples of Laos.