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现在是严重的低密时期。Now that's a serious downturn.

对于LMA来说,衰退提供了机会。For LMA, the downturn provided an opportunity.

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灾难表示衰退,所以那就是正离子。Catastrophe is a downturn. So that is the cation.

他曾是一名债券交易员,在经济衰退时被解雇了。He was laid off in the downturn as a bond trader.

经济的下滑招致了这种趋向。The economic downturn contribut thenes to the trend.

但是,经济不景气对于哈佛商学院来说是一个坏消息。The downturn has not been all bad news for HBS, though.

因此,一些人称这次经济衰退是男性的经济衰退。So some have come to call this downturn the "he-cession."

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在去年秋季经济低迷袭卷俄罗斯时,他住在一个垃圾场里。At the time of the economic downturn hit Russia last autumn.

担心在不景气的时候第一个被拿来开刀吗?Worried your employer might cut your position in a downturn?

随着经济状况的下降,寄销商店变得很普遍。With the downturn in the economy, consignment shops are booming.

对于发展中国家,这标志着外国直接投资停止滑波。For developed countries, this marked the end of the FDI downturn.

卡茨说,“我认为经济衰退使问题更加严重了。”“And I think this downturn exacerbates” the problem, Katz told me.

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那么,经济低迷期,企业创新的主要着眼点在哪里?Then, what should the innovation focus on in the economic downturn?

一次经济低迷会不会很快让人丁兴旺之景再度幻灭?Would an economic downturn quickly send head-counts plunging again?

而另一些人还未从煤炭业的萧条中恢复过来。Many others hadn't recovered from the downturn in the coal industry.

贫困化本已加剧的郊区反过来又推动了经济的下行。The downturn also shifted where in suburbia poverty was intensifying.

这一途径在两方面帮助恒宝避开经济衰退。This approach has helped shield Hublot from the downturn in two ways.

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这场厄运和阴暗的经济衰退可能会持续长达15年之久。This doom and gloom economic downturn could last as long as 15-years.

制造业循环性强,因此,在经济下行中最先下滑,速度也较快。Manufacturing is highly cyclical, falling first and fast in a downturn.

房地产下跌的影响将集中在建筑市场的减少。The main impact of the property downturn will be to depress construction.