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让我们为恺威尽一份微薄之力。Let us do our endeavor for Hawick.

我把它看作我的第二次创业。I see this endeavor as my second start-up.

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攀岩并不仅仅是体力上的磨炼与考验。Its not just the physical endeavor either.

水下摄影是一项令人难以捉摸的工作。Underwater portraiture is a tricky endeavor.

这是在为埃隆·马斯克赚钱。This is a money making endeavor by Elon Musk.

他竭力赴救那快要淹死的女孩。He made an endeavor to save the drowning girl.

因为任何人类行为都能与金融沾上些关系Just about any human endeavor involves finance.

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成功与否取决于你的努力和能力。Sucess depends on your endeavor and capability.

请尽量准时到达。Please make every endeavor to arrive punctually.

贴近客户,持续的保持顾客满意度。We make every endeavor to satisfy our customers.

我们将一直地努力的提供给您我们最优惠价格。We will always endeavor to offer you our most rates.

任何人类的努力和想法都会发生变化。No human endeavor or thought would be unchanged by it.

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在这方面,10-K文件不能提供多少帮助。The 10-Ks are not really of much use in this endeavor.

在手工艺界我们有着卓越的成就。In the crafts sector , we have success in this endeavor.

我们怎样才能延长短促的人生?How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life?

我们不可能独自完成这项努力,但我们可以发挥带头作用。We cannot succeed in this endeavor alone, but we can lead it.

“你的觉悟将会对抵制全球变暖尽一份力”。Your awareness adds to the whole anti-global warming endeavor.

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言下大有以人力挽回天命之意。Implying that human endeavor could turn back the tides of fate.

我将侧重于这项努力中的一个环节──公共外交。I want to focus on one element of that endeavor – public diplomacy.

她嘲讽一笑,毫不停留的继续努力装包。She spits out a cynical laugh unwavering from her endeavor to pack.