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兼职音乐教师定期到校授课。Peripatetic music teachers visit the school regularly.

她父亲是军人,所以全家人随军过着一种流动的生活。Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence.

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伴随四处奔走的国务卿于穿梭外交的马拉松旅途上。Accompanying the peripatetic Secretary of State on his shuttle diplomacy marathons.

一只喜欢孤独游走,且喜欢听歌的炎狼。A wolf, likes peripatetic wandering around lonely and prefers listening to the song.

耶稣的门徒们也是学生,他们在耶稣的犹太巡游学校中就读。The disciples of Jesus were students who enrolled in Jesus' peripatetic rabbinic school.

在哲学领域,一种具有希腊文化色彩的阿拉伯逍遥派哲学便出现在穆斯林的学术体系中。In philosophy, an Arab Peripatetic school characteristic of the Greek culture came in the Muslim academic system.

有人寄望奥巴马混血的出身和孩童时代的游历能让他对其他文化有更多的同情。Some hope that Obama's mixed parentage and peripatetic childhood have made him more sympathetic to other cultures.

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8岁那年,恋家的小迪迪埃曾一度回到非洲,但很快便又返回法国,与叔叔开始了一段居无定所的“法漂”生活。Homesick, he returned to Africa aged eight but was soon back in France to begin a startlingly peripatetic existence.

这位逍遥自在的大情人喜欢骑著单车趴趴走,所以这几个年轻制片者们也买了双座脚踏车与他片刻不离。The peripatetic Valentine likes to cruise around on his bicycle, so the young filmmakers bought a tandem bike to stay close to him.

对这位资历很浅的参议员来说,这将是一个非凡的胜利。他没有出生在美国本土,他在单亲家庭中长大,没有父亲在身边,陪伴他的母亲总是到处兼职教课。It will be an extraordinary victory for a novice senator born outside the continental United States who grew up with an absentee father and a peripatetic mother.

作为长老会传教士的后代,布朗曾在巴西,中国和尼日尔居住过,已经习惯了自由自在的生活状态,所以她决定了开始出发。As the child of Presbyterian missionaries, Ms. Browne lived in Brazil, China and Niger, and was used to a peripatetic lifestyle, so she decided to take to the road.

斯提的伊拉克展馆位于威尼斯双年展第54号,在这次展览上,他的作品表达了他对家乡河流与群山亲密感情,因为在这一切的背后,是他颠沛流离生活的真实写照。On display at the Iraqi Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale, Mr Siti’s works convey an intimacy with this region—the river, the mountains—that belies the peripatetic life he has led.

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它们所代表的建筑传统,肇始于17、18世纪的耶稣会布道团,在19世纪的圣芳济会的以继续并发扬,并流行到今天。They represent a tradition initiated by the Jesuit Peripatetic Mission in the 17th and 18th centuries, continued and enriched by the Franciscans during the 19th century and still prevailing today.