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碧空无云,预示着一个好天气。Azure skies are indicative of good weather.

保罗思想里的「已然」与「应然」。The problem of indicative and imperative in Paul.

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你是第二人称代词。A second person singular present indicative of be.

指甲发脆表明缺钙。Brittle nails are indicative of calcium deficiency.

被他翻的破烂的书表明他学习很刻苦。His dogeared book is indicative of his diligent study.

外汇市场隔夜的波动暗示着风险厌恶情绪。Overnight FX moves were indicative of risk-off sentiment.

小麦为有机污染的最敏感指示植物。Wheat was found to be the most sensible indicative plant.

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然而病理性核分裂高度提示恶性肿瘤。However, aormal mitoses are highly indicative of malignancy.

他的调查暗示了他在这个问题上的兴趣。His investigation was indicative of his interest in this problem.

您可以看到稳定的对象增加,表明存在潜在的内存泄漏。You can see the steady rise, indicative of a potential memory leak.

蓝色火苗意味着屁里含有甲烷。A blue flame is indicative of the presence of methane in the flatus.

龙是中华民族的图腾,是帝王的象征。Dragon is the totem of the Chinese nation, be a monarch is indicative.

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穿着的披风表明了战士们所面对的恶劣天气。The ponchos are indicative of the miserable weather the soldiers faced.

他对日本天皇深鞠躬除了说明他本人身体健康,难道还说明其他什么吗?Was his deep bow indicative of anything other than his physical fitness?

尚未发现任何健康或者其他表明日常生活的地区。No hearths or other areas indicative of day-to-day living have been found.

因此,认为猪可作为家鼠鼠疫疫源地的指示动物。We suggest that swine be as a indicative animal in the domestic rat plague foci.

屈服强度是指塑性形变开始发生时的应力。Yielding strength is indicative of the stress at which plastic deformation begins.

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持仓量下降表明缺乏信心,目前的趋势。Decreasing Open Interest is indicative of a lack of confidence in the current trend.

一种通信端口控制电路,此通信端口具有振铃指示脚位。A communication port control circuit is disclosed, including a ringing indicative pin.

这确保下述实验结果反映了现实世界的性能。This insures that the results reported below are indicative of real-world performance.