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为什么大马士革刀如此独特?Why is damask so unique then?

舞台上花团锦簇。Various flowers damask the stage.

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更重要的是比冰山更正式用锦缎软垫椅子?What's more formal than a bergere chair upholstered in damask?

他的家俱全都是玫瑰红色,包括厨房里的碗橱。His furniture is all damask , including the cupboards in the kitchen.

她呢,和昨天一样,花缎裙袍,绉纱帽。As on the preceding day, she wore her damask gown and her crape bonnet.

那时的天空就像是由无数闪亮的钻石装饰而成的蓝色锦缎。At that time, the sky was like blue damask decorated by millions of bright diamonds.

绢本将字画绘制在绢、绫或者丝织物上,称为绢本。Paint the painting on thin silk , damask silk or silks. which is called silk painting.

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比方说,她如果有母亲,她母亲便会对她说年轻姑娘是不穿花缎衣服的。A mother, for instance, would have told her that a young girl does not dress in damask.

它关键成份是大马士革玫瑰纯露、乳香、橙花、红茶和蔓越莓。The key ingredients are damask rose water, frankincense, neroli, black tea and cranberry.

深褐色的墙壁被垂着兰色绸缎的嵌板和纹理入微的大理石柱所分隔。The dun-colored walls are set off by panels of blue damask and columns of finely veined marble.

有粉红色的玫瑰、金黄色的玫瑰,还有番红花,紫罗兰有金色的、紫色的和白色的。There were damask Roses, and yellow Roses, lilac Crocuses , and gold, purple Violets and white.

但是,大马士革钢因为其品质而仍然是制造冷兵器的顶级材料。But properties of damask steel still make it the leading material used in cold weapon manufacture.

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为什么大马士革钢在上世纪初还广泛使用而如今则少有人问津?Why is damask steel that was so widely spread in the beginning of the last century is now a rare thing?

是文物字画复制的最佳手段,主要载体为宣纸、绫绢及各类纸张,被博物馆称为“仿真制作”。Heritage is the best means for copying pictures, the main vector for the paper, and all kinds of paper and silk damask.

楼上窗子上,挂的是和帐幔一致的三色深红花缎长窗帘,底层屋子里是毛织窗帘。Long damask curtains with a red foundation and three colors, like those on the bed, hung at the windows of the first floor.

我们的房子里有一个大橱柜,橱柜里有专门的7英尺长的卷轴用来储藏花缎桌布,这样桌布永远不会有折痕。Inside the house, there's a closet with sevenfoot rollers for rolling up damask tablecloths so they never have to be creased.

滑面布料,如擦光印花棉布磨光棉布、仿古缎子、真丝和波纹绸等。Sliding surface cloth, if brush smooth calico, burnish damask of cotton cloth, archaize, real silk and ripple are silken etc.

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一个19世纪初英国绫纸本印刷在锡尔弗盖特在诺福克,现在在法罗和使用新球印削减块。An early 19th century English damask paper originally printed at Silvergate in Norfolk and now printed at farrow &Ball using newly cut blocks.

她偏偏喜欢的是过往时代的蔷薇科,有约克与兰开斯特玫瑰、包心玫瑰、大马士革玫瑰,还有好几种中国玫瑰。Instead, she favored the roses of other ages – the Yorkand Lancaster rose, the cabbage rose, the damask and the rugosa rose in several varieties.

他们只能把简陋的乡间圣衣库供他使用,那里只有几件破旧的、装着假金线的锦缎祭服。They could only place at his disposal a wretched village sacristy, with a few ancient chasubles of threadbare damask adorned with imitation lace.