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玻璃,火石,中等1。Glass Flint Medium 1.

现在把火石给我吧。Now, give me the flint.

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火石打不出火来了。The flint would not strike.

足底无釉,泛火石红色。Foot unglazed, pan flint red.

哪里可以买到好的引火棒?Where can I buy a good flint?

史前人用打火石刀。Prehistoric man used flint knives.

弗林特也是那种人,而他在萨凡那酗酒死了。Flint was, and he died of rum at Savannah.

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布莱奇将球传给队长马库斯·弗林特。Bletchley passes it to captain Marcus Flint.

麦克白夫人生来一副铁石心肠。Ex. Mrs. Macbeth has a heart as hard as flint.

一个橡皮轮旋转火轮打出火星。A rubber wheel spins the flint and sparks flame.

马特说,“但有一个问题,我们需要一块打火石。”But there's one problem. We need a piece of flint.

当夫特林拦截他的时候,发生了什么事吗?Did something happen to it when Flint blocked him?

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你为什么要这么一小块不值钱的火石呢?Why do you need such a small and unimportant flint?

于是他拿出火绒箱,并敲击打火石。Then he took out his tinderbox and struck the flint.

用燧石和旋转轮的废弃的手枪。An obsolete gunlock using flint and a revolving wheel.

在所有的朋友走了以后,他擦了两次火石。After his friends all went back, he hit the flint twice.

那块火石是从我奶奶那里传下来的,所以我想得到它。It is the flint from my grandmother, so I want to get it.

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那是一个装有倒钩的箭头,使用黄燧石做成的,做工精细。It is a barbed arrow-head, neatly chipped out of yellow flint.

安阿伯,巴特克里市,弗林特和兰辛所有地区有较小的下跌。Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Flint and Lansing all saw smaller drops.

美国密歇根州中东部一城市,为弗林特的一个郊区。人口7,78。A city of east-central Michigan, a suburb of Flint. Population, 7,78.