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马特击败厄尔·盖洛并救回了路易莎。Matt fights El Gallo and saves Luisa.

他们让埃尔加尔试着绑架路易莎。They ask El Gallo to try to kidnap Luisa.

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安琪受邀与迦洛家族同住一段时间。Angela accepted an invitation to live with the Gallo family for a while.

哥斯达黎加早餐——哥斯达黎加的基本早餐是红豆饭。Breakfast in Costa Rica— Gallo Pinto is the standard breakfast fare in Costa Rica.

我在世界最大的酒庄,美国嘉露酒庄工作。and I worked for the world's largest winery, E&J Gallo, or Ernest and Julio Gallo winery.

盖洛说,如果地球是一只苹果,水层比苹果皮还要薄。If the Earth was an apple, Gallo said, the water layer would be thinner than the fruit's skin.

蒙塔尼向盖洛实验室要来这两种病毒,以便与他们发现的艾滋病毒做对比。Gallo montagny to the laboratory for two to viruses, they found that with the HIV virus to do comparison.

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两年以后,经过确认,第三型白血球病毒和巴斯特逆转录酶病毒实际上是一种病毒,然而加洛博士仍因他的发现而有功。Two years later it's confirmed that HTLV-III and the Pasteur retrovirus are indeed the same virus, yet Gallo is still credited with its discovery.

在国内代理了澳洲杰卡斯葡萄酒和美国嘉露葡萄酒,并成为杰卡斯葡萄酒在全国销量最大的经销商。The company is the domestic agent of Australian Jacob's Creek and American Gallo wines and is the biggest selling dealer of Jacob's Creek in China.

一天下午,在考察Manaus周围的河流时,Gallo询问是否有人在亚马逊的草木中寻找新的药物。One afternoon, while visiting the rivers around Manaus, Gallo inquired if anyone was looking for new medicines in the plants and trees of the Amazon.

1986年,盖洛和蒙塔尼由于发现艾滋病毒而分享拉斯克医学奖,这是生物医学界仅次于诺贝尔奖的大奖。In 1986, Gallo and montagny due to the discovery of HIV and share the Lasker Prize in Medicine, the biomedical sector is second only to the Nobel Prize.

此前,盖洛在1982年已因发现HTLV而获得拉斯克医学奖,成了美国国家卫生研究院中唯一一位两次获得拉斯克医学奖的人。Prior to that, in 1982, Gallo has been found to be HTLV Lasker Prize in Medicine, National Institutes of Health has become the only two who receive Lasker Prize in Medicine.

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为了艾滋病毒的发现权,盖洛与蒙塔尼已争夺多年,在卡罗林斯卡医学院做出决定之前,孰是孰非其实已有了结论。In order to the discovery of HIV, Gallo and fight for montagny has for many years, the Karolinska medical school to make a decision before the charge is already a conclusion.

这是一部被看好的、稀少的以严格遵循现实主义为卖点的影片——加洛要求所有的演员严格按他们的日常生活方式来表演。It’s been touted as a pared back, sparse drama with the emphasis firmly placed on realism – Gallo asked all of his actors to behave exactly as they do in their everyday lives.

这个反指控非常可笑,蒙塔尼实验室在收到盖洛实验室提供的HTLV病毒株之前,已经发表了发现艾滋病毒的论文了。The counter-accusations ridiculous, montagny Gallo received in the laboratory provided by the laboratory prior to the HTLV virus has been found in the published papers of HIV.

这项研究“可以帮助解释为什么一种皮肤病只发在特定的皮肤部位而非其它”,加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的皮肤学专家理查德.加娄说道,“它对症状做出了清楚的解释”。The research "could contribute to explaining why certain skin diseases appear at certain sites of the body and not others," says dermatologist Richard Gallo of the University of California, San Diego.