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他的言论是叛国的。His speech was a treasonous one.

那个起了歹心的弟弟就趁他睡着了偷偷走到他身边。His treasonous brother stole upon him in his sleep.

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他补充说,他们将会被处罚“叛国罪有关行为”。He added that they would be punished for their "treasonous acts".

休整之后,我们就要对背叛大英帝国的美国人进行最后的致命一击。Once rested, we shall strike a final blow to the treasonous Yankees.

忠诚的克隆人士兵冷酷地处决了叛国的绝地将军们。The loyal clone troopers executed their treasonous Jedi generals in cold blood.

尽管如此,仍然有很大的可能,即尼克松参与了这种几乎是叛国的行径。Still, the implication was strong that Nixon had engaged in activity that was virtually treasonous.

那是因为这些证据对邪恶的希拉里以及战争罪犯奥黑都不利。That's because the evidence includes the same treasonous acts for both crooked hillary and war criminal obozo.

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死星是恐怖的工具,用毁灭来恐吓叛国的星球。The Death Star was to be an instrument of terror, meant to cow treasonous worlds with the threat of annihilation.

绝地武士欧比-万·克诺比发现这场叛国聚会后马上警告共和国,但没能逃脱他们的抓捕。The Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered the treasonous meeting and warned the Republic, but not without being captured.

并进一步指出,解构主义建筑表现出的强烈反叛精神,使其不能成为建筑发展方向中的主流。The strong treasonous spirit makes it impossible for Deconstructive Architecture to be the mainstream of architecture evolution.

汉英语言语音的不同、字形的不同、词汇的不同、句法的不同和修辞的不同,给英汉文学翻译带来了叛逆现象。This note provides a general survey of the differences among languages and thus the treasonous phenomena in literary translation.

国家所担心的信息失密的内容,也从军事计划变成了各种企业技术知识的非法流通。Illicit transfer of corporate know-how, rather than military plans, became the treasonous information the state had to worry about.

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事实上在狗攻击妇女儿童后讨厌的肮脏叛徒联邦法官应该被视作同谋逮捕。The nasty filthy treasonous Federal Judge should be arrested for accessory after the fact in the dogs attack on children and women.

首先,作者着眼于叛逆现象背后的创造性行为,重新解释了创造性叛逆。By shifting the focus from treasonous phenomenon to creative activity, the author first reinterprets creative treason as a translating activity.

曾经我不知道什么是快乐,我用这个年龄孩子特有的叛逆的眼光,冷眼看这个世界,并且以为,淡漠就是我生活的主旋律。Once I didn't know the real meaning of happiness so that I look the world coldly with special treasonous sight. Indifferency was the melody in my life.

由于他那冷酷的管理风格,一些企图摆脱黑暗尊主的帝国军官准备了一次阴谋叛变。For his chilling managerial style, Vader had to weather a treasonous revolt from a handful of Imperial officers who tried to do away with the Dark Lord.

但是,法庭控告他与一起策划推翻印尼政府的叛国罪有关,并且涉嫌使用假公文欺骗外来移民。But he was found guilty of his involvement in a treasonous plot to bring down the Indonesian Government and of immigration fraud for using a false document.

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18世纪,乾隆皇帝清洗了上千本著作及其作者,但是却编纂了大量的帝王著作,并印刷。In the 18th century, the Qianlong Emperor purged thousands of texts and their authors for treasonous ideas while assembling a vast imperial collection to be printed.

突然,人群中走出,一个陌生人直冲乐,并通过他一个信封,一个信封,内有详细的叛逆阴谋推翻满清政府。Suddenly, out of the crowd, a stranger ran toward Yue and passed him an envelope-an envelope containing details of a treasonous plot to overthrow the Manchu government.

忠实应指向忠实原作的精神和丰姿,虽然这种真正意义的忠实有可能在译作的文字的形式层面上对原作有所叛逆。It is superficial faithfulness. When language form and spirit contradict, the translator should be faithful to the later and thus be inevitably treasonous to the former.