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表现性是设计的基本属性。Expressivity is the essential property of design.

在某些情形中,社会工作结构具有双重性,即表达性和现实性。In some circumstance, there are double-characters in the structure of social work, namely expressivity and actuality.

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产品丰富的表现力、实用的功能、独特的设计,也使他们成为卫浴的高端产品。And its expressivity and practicality make it unique. Grassland stands for leading and profession in sanitaryware field.

舞蹈和吼叫都是身体的表现,但只有舞蹈具有客观援用的符号。Both dancing and snarling are manifestations of bodily expressivity but only the former has the character of an objectively available sign.

动画电影的主观性色彩结构类型分为单一主观性色彩结构和复合式主观性色彩结构。In cartoon movies, the color structure ty are divided into the objective practical color structure and the subjective expressivity color structure.

动画电影的色彩结构类型大体可分为写实性色彩结构和主观性色彩结构。In cartoon movies, the color structure type is divided into the objective practical color structure and the subjective expressivity color structure.

结构的配置工作不仅要解决必然的技术问题,同样也需要综合考虑表现性等相关议题。Structural configuration is not only necessary to solve the technical problem, but also needed to synthetically consider other issues such as expressivity.

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对联充分地展现了汉语的优越性和表现力,是认识汉语文、学习汉语文的最佳途径之一。Chinese couplets could sufficiently indicate the superiority and expressivity of the language, through which we are able to better understand and study Chinese.

整体看来,苏珊?朗格所探索的,是在艺术形式、艺术话语和符号意义里面的表现性和情感性这样的美学问题。On the whole what langer explores are the aesthetic issues of expressivity and sensibility in the categores of artistic forms artistic discourse arid semiotic significances.

文章锁定巧克力包装为研究范围,着力于包装中图形表现的规律性探讨,以此总结图形符号有效传达的方式和特点。Focused on chocolate packaging, this paper probed into the rule of elements expressivity of packaging and summarized the methods and characteristics of the effective transmission of graphics.