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我们的客户是谁?Who is our customer?

谁是你的客户?Who is your customer?

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我是个淘宝客!I am a customer Taobao!

他是唯一的一个客人。He was the only customer.

以名字直呼你的顾客。Call the customer by name.

没有Geat的客户服务。No. Geat customer service.

所以我们要了解顾客。So we glyphic the customer.

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愿为我最好的顾客效劳。Anything for my best customer.

创建客户档案。Create customer profile files.

改善你的客户服务?Improve your customer service?

她是个很难打交道的滑头家伙。What sort of a customer is he?

你的顾客服务如何?How about your customer service?

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按照特力或客人要求。Meet TR or customer requirement.

那小子是个老油条。That guy is a slippery customer.

它对顾客没有什么好处。It does not benefit the customer.

2008年,许先生成为客户经理。He became Customer Manager in 2008.

它把控制归还给客户。It returns control to the customer.

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我们还有一个客户部署。We also have a customer deployment.

苹果拥有iPod用户的一生一世。Apple has an iPod customer for life.

我是金光飞航的忠实顾客。I am the loyal customer of CotaiJet.