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他们可能在消防队。They may be at the firehouse.

这个教堂、那个公园、这个公墓、那个消防站等等。This church. That park. This cemetery. That firehouse.

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此外还要学习与消防站的队友合作。You'll even learn how to get along with your teammates at the firehouse.

相反,他们尊敬它,用它来作为消防队的正式吉祥物。Instead, they honored him, by adopting the breed as the official firehouse mascot.

通过灭火救援圈模型的优化,为消防投资以及消防站的布局提供参考依据。In the optimized model, a method for investment and firehouse distribution had been provided.

首先,它会像消防队的洒水,需要时间去适应。At first it may seem like drinking from a firehouse. It will take some time to get used to it.

我们请桑迪胡克消防站协助组织了危机处理小组。We have set up crisis services that we have mobilized to the Sandy Hook firehouse to be of assistance.

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我经常给他们送饭,经常给他们带来吃的,往消防队一放,如此一天三次。I used feed them. I used to bring food by and drop them off at the firehouse and do that three times a day.

我已经建立了我的周围世界的你,我要让你们知道消防站我需要你一样,我从来没有任何人需要之前。I've built my world around you, and I want you to know Firehouse I need you like I've never needed anyone before.

这颇有点像在一个消防站里,所有消防员都在安静地品尝咖啡,对面的学校却被大火夷为平地。This is bit like the firehouse where everyone sits around calmly sipping their coffee as the school across the street burns down.

克里斯蒂喜欢帮她的爸爸在消防站煮一大锅热辣辣的红番椒,然而,戴维工作的时间很长,他仍在丧妻的痛苦中挣扎。Kristen loved helping her dad cook up a big pot of firehouse chili, but worked long hours, and he was still shattered by his loss.

之后,在芝加哥消防队餐馆地下室举行的生日宴会上,布什吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。Later, in Chicago, Bush blew out the candles on a birthday cake at a dinner in a basement room at the Chicago Firehouse Restaurant.

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火势不能控制情况下公安消防队到来时及时介绍火情情况,并积极协助灭火。If the fire is out of control, they should report to firehouse in time and introduce fire situation, and then assist in extinguishing fire.

起初,在西48街道的消防站,奥巴马先生和消防队员共进午餐,吃着用巴尔马干酪调制的茄子和生面团,上面涂有用扇贝、虾仁和晒干的番茄做的奶油果酱。Earlier, at the firehouse on West 48th Street, Mr. Obama sat with the firefighters for a lunch of eggplant Parmigiana and pasta with scallops, shrimp, and sun-dried tomatoes in a cream sauce.