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他们让埃尔加尔试着绑架路易莎。They ask El Gallo to try to kidnap Luisa.

深圳打击人贩子,逮捕17名嫌犯。Crackdown on kidnap scams nets 17 suspects.

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假设你没有安排你自己的绑架?Assuming you haven't arranged your own kidnap?

警方挫败了诱拐小孩的企图。The police balked the attempt to kidnap the child.

“我被骗了,怎么反而成了我绑架勒索”。"I was cheated, how became instead I kidnap blackmail".

仙灵也因绑架人作为恋人而闻名。Fairies have also been known to kidnap humans as lovers.

那意味着毒犯在绑架后可以几乎不受惩罚。That means that drug gangs can kidnap almost with impunity.

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我们要绑架她,在某个海港把她买作奴隶。We'll kidnap her,sell her as into slavery at some other port.

29岁的杜加尔德和她11岁和15岁的2个孩子生活在菲利普和楠茜.加里多屋后搭的简易棚子里,几乎一无所有。Nancy and Phillip Garrido arrested for kidnap of Jaycee Lee Dugard

黑社会老大往往绑架人质。The chief of the underworld in the block tends to kidnap hostages.

我们诱拐一个人类小孩,把他或她与我们的一个小妖交换。We kidnap a human child and replace him or her with one of our own.

十五名男子和五名女子怀疑和该宗绑架案有关,已被警方拘捕。Fifteen men and five women have been arrested in co ection with the kidnap.

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十五名男子和五名女子怀疑和该宗绑架案有关,已被警方拘捕。Fifteen men and five women have been arrested in connection with the kidnap.

两个不自量力的安森人试图绑架奥菲,这是他们计划当中的一部分。As part of the intrigue, a pair of bumbling Ansionians attempted to kidnap Offee.

他们在劫持我的儿子,将他用作人质,威胁我,试图降服我。Theyalmost kidnap my son as a kind of mean to threaten me, wanting meto surrender.

公海獭甚至还会绑架小海獭押着它们当肉票,除非母海獭肯付赎金。The male may even kidnap the pup, refusing to let it go until the mother pays a ransom.

军事策划人员同一时间也表示出了对绑架的忧虑。Military planners have also expressed concern that attempts would be made to kidnap him.

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博科圣地武装分子通常袭击村庄并绑架人质,迫使他们成为穆斯林。Boko Haram militants often raid villages and kidnap people, forcing them to become Muslim.

六名涉嫌绑架撕票一名十三岁男童的疑犯落网。Six people have been arrested in connection with the kidnap and murder of a 13-year-old boy.

绑匪绑架了古董商的名贵狗,但却引来了可怕的后果。New age travelers kidnap the prized dog of a Bristol Antiques dealer, with dire consequences.