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他女亲耕作一个80英亩天的农场。His father cultivated a farm of 80 acres.

含有薄荷醇的,或充满薄荷醇的。Peppermint is cultivated on some farms here.

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记住,兴趣总是可以培养出来的。Remember, interest can always be cultivated.

精心培养的心灵会享受自己和艺术。A cultivated mind enjoys itself and the arts.

欧洲一种葱,常象冬葱一样栽培和应用。European leek cultivated and used like leeks.

丁香属植物二新栽培变种。Two new cultivated varieties of syringa linn.

第一类由38份栽培青麻组成。The first group included 38 cultivated species.

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与此同时,我个人认为大部分均安人都是受良好道德教育的!I think most of people is cultivated in Jun'an !

这树因它的美丽的花而栽种。The tree is cultivated for its beautiful flowers.

欧洲灌木,白色或玫瑰红色花冠,黑色浆果。Asiatic shrub cultivated for its rosy red flowers.

此外,这些培殖出的牡蛎口感更佳!In addition, the cultivated oysters tasted better!

我们拥有12公顷的葡萄圆,完全以天然方式种植。We have 12 ha of vineyard cultivated in biodynamic.

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是的,善心也是一种习惯,可以培养。Yes, kindness is a habit. And it can be cultivated.

种植的卷心菜和野生的卷心菜是同种的。Cultivated cabbage and wild cabbage are conspecific.

原生植物、栽培植物共1639种。Native plant, cultivated plant altogether 1639 kinds.

体外培养以获得贴壁细胞。The adherent cells were gained by cultivated in vitro.

欧洲植物,花黄色,用于饲料。Yellow flowered European lupine cultivated for forage.

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这些我们种植的植物也会同样地改变我们么?Could the plants we cultivated have altered us as well?

全国南北方冬春秋季均可种植。It is cultivated in spring and summer in whole country.

他们在他们村庄附近的海面上养殖海带。They cultivated kelp off the seashore of their village.