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所以它究竟包含了什么呢?So what does it contain?

柳丁含有维生素C。Oranges contain vitamin C.

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而壶嘴还可以倒水呢。The pot can contain water.

莓果中含有维他命C。berries contain vitamin C.

红包里面装着钱。The envelopes contain money.

这些核中有仁。These stones contain kernels.

一柳条箱可容纳的量。This jug will contain a liter.

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我们必须抑制原油外漏。We must contain the oil spill.

一个进化枝可能包括许多进化级。A clade may contain many grades.

这种胡萝卜含花青素。The carrots contain anthocyanin.

该数据不包含异常情况。The data did contain an anomaly.

它可以包含嵌入的新行。It can contain embedded new lines

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鸭蛋含有维生素吗?。Does duck's egg contain a vitamin?

韧带还含有弹性蛋白。Ligaments contain protein elastin.

红洋葱和葡萄则都含有槲皮素和花青素。Red onions and grapes contain both.

有些唇膏中含有鱼鳞。Some lipsticks contain fish scales.

外出所著平而无跟的鞋子。Women's shoes that contain no heel.

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许多速食食品都含有味素。Many fast food products contain MSG.

有些含有不只一种添加剂。Some contain more than one additive.

品牌名称决不能包含数字。Brand Name can never contain a digit.