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故事的开始,是一段对吉尔伽美什的描写。The story opens with a description of Gilgamesh.

当Enkidu死了,吉尔伽美什几近崩溃。And when Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh is absolutely devastated.

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乌塔那匹兹姆告诉了吉尔伽美什关于大洪水的故事。The story of the flood is told to Gilgamesh by Utnapishtim.

但是在入城之前,他必须变得驯服。But before he can enter the city and meet Gilgamesh he has to be tamed.

吉尔伽美什是乌鲁克的国王,这个王国位于今伊拉克境内。Gilgamesh was a king of Uruk, which now lies within the borders of Iraq.

上帝便派女神Aruru去解决这个问题,屏幕上的是。And the god Aruru is told that she must deal with Gilgamesh Aruru Aruru is on the board.

吉尔伽美什是古苏美尔史诗中的英雄,吉尔伽美什之歌,写于公元前2900年。Gilgamesh was the hero of the ancient Sumerian epic poem, The Song of Gilgamesh, written about 2900 B.C.

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结果他并不能帮助吉尔伽美什,等一会,我们在洪水的,故事中,还会提到Utnapishtim,吉尔伽美什几乎绝望了。It turns out that Utnapishtim can't help him, and we'll come back to Utnapishtim later in the flood story, and Gilgamesh is devastated.

吉尔伽美什在历史上,是乌鲁克的国王,但是这系列故事,具有史诗般的传奇色彩。Gilgamesh was apparently a historical character, an actual king of Uruk but the story of course has fantastic and legendary qualities to it.

他对永生的追求,吉尔伽美什找到,唯一可以长生不老的人类。You'll remember that in his search for immortality Utnapishtim Gilgamesh sought out Utnapishtim, the one human who had been granted immortality.

在此同一天后,安克朵从梦中惊醒后便死去了,吉尔伽美什感到十分悲痛,所以他不会埋葬他,直到他的尸体开始腐烂。On this same day after he awakens from this dream, Enkidu dies, and Gilgamesh is so consumed with grief he will not bury him until his body starts to decay.