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秀水为你们作证!Xiushui testify to you!

他的朋友们将为他作证。His friends will testify for him.

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是的,如果有需要的话,他可以作证。Yes, he could testify if need be.

默里没有在审判中证实。Murray did not testify at the trial.

克茨是该听证会上唯一的证交会雇员。Kotz is the only SEC employee set to testify.

阿尔瓦雷斯尚未被法庭传唤作证。Mr. Alvarez has not yet been called to testify.

我被传唤去为一个案件作证。I have been subpoenaed to testify in a court case.

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所以他太忙了,无法去往华盛顿作证。So he was too busy to go to Washington and testify.

58岁的穆雷在洛杉矶审讯室还未被正式宣判。Murray, 58, did not testify at the Los Angeles trial.

现在,我们可以用提雅的DNA来鉴定KV55中的木乃伊是否是她的儿子。Now she could testify whether the KV55 mummy was indeed her son.

不得强迫被告自供或认罪。Not to be compelled to testify against himself or to confess guilt.

预计乔森潘也将在今后两个星期内出庭受审。Khieu Samphan also is expected to testify within the next two weeks.

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总调查员巴罗夫斯基将于星期四在国会作证。Inspector General Barofsky is to testify before Congress on Thursday.

证人必须亲自出庭凭证并接受双方讯问.Witnesses must testify in person and be subject to cross-examination.

另有约11名购买了麦博债券的投资者会出庭作证。And about 11 investors who purchased the debentures will also testify.

总调查员巴罗夫斯基将于星期四在国会作证。Inspec tor General Barofsky is to testify before Congress on Thursday.

另一个人在俄克拉何马州的塔尔萨工作,被法庭召回来提供证词。Another man was called back from his job in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to testify.

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我也亲自作证目睹了萨德从我家房子里跑出来。I also testify that I personally witnessed Thad running out of my house.

是否出咶作证对于案件的审理有很大影响。Whether the witness appears to testify is of great influence to the trial.

证人的拒证权是一种免证特权。The right of exemption from testifying is a privilege of refuse to testify.