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粳米洗净上笼蒸熟,晾干待用。Japonica rice cooked Shanglong Zheng Wash , dry stand -by.

研究蔓生百部中微量生物碱的结构。Objective To study the alkaloid structures of stemona japonica Miq.

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辐射处理的山茶花抗寒性增强。Camellia japonica through radiation treatment strengthencold- resistance.

目的探讨脑型血吸虫病发病的危险因素。Objective To explore the risk factors of cerebral schistosomiasis japonica.

川续断斑枯病是川续断种植区普遍发生的一种新病害。The pathogen of rot spot, which is a severe disease of Iris japonica Thumb.

耐冬山茶作为青岛市的市花,近年来备受关注。Camellia japonica as the floral emblem of Qingdao, In recent years, concerned.

对广西全州县的金槐病虫害种类进行了调查。The category and distribution of diseased and pests in gold Sophora japonica L.

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光强度对龟纹瓢虫成虫复眼ERG值有影响。The intensity could influence the ERG values of the compound eye of P. japonica.

结缕草的生长行为表现出很强的可塑性和觅养特性。The growth behavior of Zoysia japonica showed strong plasticity and foraging trait.

槐米总黄酮提取物的热分析指纹图谱。Thermal Analysis Fingerprint of Flavonoids Extracted from Buds of Sophora japonica L.

目的建立快速简便实用的血吸虫病诊断方法。Objective To establish a simple method for rapid diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica.

结果表明涡虫对酸碱环境的耐受力较强。The results show that the Dugesia japonica has strong receivable ability of pH changes.

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氯酸钾抗性是区分籼粳分化的指标之一。Potassium chlorate tolerance is one of the criteria differentiated japonica from indica.

人体试验表明,海带膳食纤维具有良好的通便作用。Laminaria japonica DF taken orally showed a good laxative effect on constipated patients.

绝大多数粳稻品种的米粒属短、粗类型。For japonica rice, the grains of most varieties were short and coarse in length and shape.

研究了薇菜的干制和复水工艺,并据此生产出营养和味道适宜的薇菜小食品。The drying and soaking processes of Osmunda japonica Thunb were investigated in this paper.

日本七鳃鳗可以迁移到黄海及江苏省淡水中。Lampetra japonica could migrate to the Yellow Sea region and freshwater in Jiangsu Province.

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目的优选昆布中褐藻酸的最佳提取工艺。Objective To optimize the extraction technology of alginic acid in Laminaria japonica Aresch.

从超微结构水平研究日本血吸虫卵黄细胞培养的动态。The cultured vitelline cells from adult Schistosoma japonica were observed ultrastructurally.

用卷叶突变体与粳稻中花11杂交,获得杂交F1群体以及自交F2群体。The mutant was crossed with japonica cultivar Zhonghua 11 to establish F1 and F2 populations.