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在多处理器的系统中,它们确实可以同时运行。On a multiprocessor system, they really can run simultaneously.

在第四章中,对多处理机系统结构进行了研究。In chapter 4, the architecture of multiprocessor system is studied.

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很适合应用于共享总线的多处理器系统中。It well suits to the bus-based shared-memory multiprocessor systems.

构建大型的多处理器网络可能占用相当大的空间并消耗很多电量。Building a large multiprocessor network can take considerable space and power.

如何知道自己在运行单处理器还是多处理器内核?How do I know if I am running a uniprocessor kernel or a multiprocessor kernel?

在新的观点下,我们展示了一个简单的方法来诊断一个多处理机系统。With this new viewpoint, we yield an easy way to diagnose a multiprocessor system.

在多处理器系统中,启用该服务可以提高系统性能。This service is to increase performance across processors on a multiprocessor system.

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实现了一个在多处理机环境下线性方程组的并行求解器。A paralleling solver to the linear equations in multiprocessor environment is realized.

在一个基于交换的多处理器系统中,CPU是一种多重资源。In a transputer-based multiprocessor system, the individual CPU is a multiple resource.

在这篇论文当中,我们针对多处理机系统研究了一些不同的诊断问题。In this thesis, we study some variants of diagnosis problems on multiprocessor systems.

这个简单的示例可以确定被分析的转储是否是在多处理器机器上创建的。This simple example determines if the dump being analyzed was created on a multiprocessor machine.

要使用多处理器系统的功能,通常需要使用多线程构造应用程序。To exploit the power of multiprocessor systems, applications are generally structured using multiple threads.

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它被迅速地移植到多种平台,并得到更新,包括支持多处理器配置。It was quickly ported to multiple platforms and was updated to include support for multiprocessor installations.

若考虑较低的层次,多重电脑架构实为较理想的平行控制架构。If low level of parallelism is considered, multicomputer architecture is better than multiprocessor architecture.

SPESEC是多处理机系统上科学工程计算并行环境模拟器。SPESEC is a simulator for parallel environment of scientific and engineeringcalculation on multiprocessor system.

信号量作为一种同步机制,在单处理器和多处理器系统里都是有效的,因而得到广泛使用。A widely used mechanism, effective in both uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems, relies on the use of semaphores.

随着紧耦合处理机系统中处理机数目的不断增加,访存冲突会更加严重。Memory access conflict intensifies as the number of processors increases in a tightly-coupled multiprocessor system.

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作为并行分布式系统中的关键问题,多处理机任务调度在一般形式上是一个NP完全问题。As a key issue in parallel and distributed systems, multiprocessor task scheduling is a NP-complete problem in many cases.

惯性组合导航系统是多处理机多任务的舰用分布式实时系统。The inertial integrated navigation system is a warship distributed realtime system which has multiprocessor and multitask.

这些新收集器是为了解决在多处理器系统中垃圾收集器成为伸缩性瓶颈这一问题的。These new collectors address the problem of the garbage collector being a scalability bottleneck on multiprocessor systems.