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这句歌词一定给了近藤有司一个很棒的点子。These words must have given Tomoji Kondo a bright idea.

根据近藤先生的说法,微笑可以立即使你心情舒畅。According to Kondo , smiling immediately makes you feel better.

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近藤喜文先生,你的离去是如此的突然,使我根本无法接受这样的不公。Kondo Yoshifumi San, you passed away so suddenly. I can not accept such an injustice.

一周后我有另一项采访任务,用的还是采访近藤这篇文章时用的笔记本。WEEK LATER I was on another assignment, still using the same notebook from the Kondo story.

当掺杂的磁性离子建立起完整的子格子时,所谓的近藤晶格形成了。When the magnetic ions build up a regular sublattice, so-called Kondo lattice is then realized.

现存的海气交换的计算公式多是一些半经验半理论的公式。The present results are compared with that obtained by using the approximate formula of Kondo et al.

结果表理,样品的电阻表现为类似近藤效应的现象。The measuring results of low temperature resistance of the sample annealed at 500℃ was indicative of kondo effect.

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短短几个月内,近藤洋介就赢得了内阁支持,更改反垄断法并控制竹岛一彦的权利。Within a few months, Mr Kondo had won cabinet support for changing the antitrust law and curbing Mr Takeshima's power.

在一般的,它需要投入更多的努力与教育业务有关的步骤,涉及在执行一个项目,近藤说。In general, IT needs to put more effort into educating the business about the steps involved in executing a project, says Kondo.

日籍建筑设计师-近藤十郎,设计监造一座北朝南之两层楼红砖木构建筑。Japanese architect, Kondo Juro, designs and oversees the construction of a two-story wooden-structured brick building facing south.

其他作者包括麻省的研究生麦克泊伊尔、卡玛雷士卡特基、博士后王亚愚和前博士后近藤武。Other MIT authors are graduate students Michael Boyer and Kamalesh Chatterjee, postdoctoral associate Yayu Wang, and former postdoctoral associate Takeshi Kondo.

来自日本半田中央研究所的近藤君还做了更进一步的人体实验,其结果也很鼓舞人心。Somewhat tantalisingly, Tomoo Kondo , from the Central Research Institute in Handa, Japan, reveals that further research, this time on people, also looks promising.

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因此我们选择了钴酞菁这一带有单个磁性离子的平面大环配合物分子,对其吸附到表面的单分子体系进行了仔细的研究。Now we show here that the Kondo effect arising from magnetic ions on the surface of a nonmagnetic conductor can be controlled by changing their chemical environment.

研究了与铁磁电极耦合的串连双量子点中的平街和非平衡近藤效应,同时考虑了两侧电极中自旋极化的态密度为平行和反平行的情况。We study the equilibrium and non-equilibrium Kondo effect in series-coupled double quantum dots connected to ferromagnetic leads both in parallel and antiparallel configurations.

近藤建议给每一个利益相关者谁将会受到影响或参与该项目对业务方面的一个高层次的概述整个项目,从设计到推出。Kondo recommends giving every stakeholder who will be impacted or involved in the project on the business side a high-level overview of the entire project, from design to rollout.

庞大的计算在几度面临失败,近藤先生说道,包括一天早上当他的女儿因开启电吹风而触发断路器的时候。The mammoth calculation nearly came to grief on more than one occasion, Mr Kondo said, including one morning when his daughter tripped a circuit breaker when she turned a hair dryer on.

而近藤共振和单电子能级的自旋劈裂都可以通过电极的内部磁化强度来控制,可以用来产生自旋阀效应。Both the Kondo resonance and the spin-splitting of the single electron levels can be controlled by internal magnetization of the electrodes, which can be used to generate a spin-valve effect.

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介绍了与磁性电极耦合的量子点的近藤共振、单电子能级自旋劈裂、磁化和线性电导等物理性质。The properties of a quantum dot coupled with two magnetic electrodes, such as the Kondo resonance, spin-splitting of single electron levels, magnetization, and linear conductance, are discussed.

同样在自1946年以来出现的日本最热的夏天里,当位于他房间的计算机的温度上升到40度时,近藤先生强行拆除了机箱并用电风扇向计算机吹冷风降温。Mr Kondo was also forced to remove casings from the computer and blow cool air onto the machine with fans as the temperature in his home rose to 40 degrees in the hottest Japanese summer since 1946.