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噢,是因为煎蛋卷吗?Oh.Is it the omelet?

噢,是因为煎蛋卷吗?Oh. Is it the omelet?

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曾经失去的,现在她得到了。She has got her omelet now.

你喜欢怎麽样的煎蛋捲?What do you like in an omelet?

蘑菇煎蛋卷只为自己付帐。The mushroom omelet appealed to itself.

蚵仔煎是我最喜欢的台湾小吃。Oyster omelet is my favorite Taiwanese snack.

不打碎鸡蛋做不出摊鸡蛋。You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

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当制作无蛋鸡蛋卷时建议用豆腐代替鸡蛋。For an egg-free omelet use tofu instead of eggs.

将馅料铺满一半的蛋饼、用铲子盖上另外一半。Sprinkle your filling on just half of the omelet.

我吃了些鱼、牛肉、鸭肉、饺子,也喝了一盘甜汤。I'll have roast beef, a mushroom omelet and onion soup.

这里你也可以看到伊朗版本的煎蛋是什么样子的。You can also see the Iranian version of an omelet here too.

谚语。鱼与熊掌不能兼得。You can't make an omelet without permanently deafening someone.

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在早上,当我在为我的煎蛋卷切土豆和洋葱。While I cut up tomatoes and onions for my omelet in the morning.

我太太喜欢蘑菇蛋卷,我要单面煎蛋。My wife likes mushroom omelet and I want fried eggs sunny side up.

包有洋葱、芹菜、碎肉或鱼。Chinese omelet containing onions and celery and chopped meat or fish.

轻轻地用抹刀按压鸡蛋卷,使封口更加严密。Lightly press down on the omelet with the spatula to seal it together.

鸡蛋是最基本的要素很多菜,喜欢煎蛋和法式面包。Eggs is the basic ingredient to many dishes, like omelet and french toast.

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知道如何在凌晨两点钟做烧烤奶酪三明治和在早晨七点做煎蛋饼。knows how to make a grilled cheese sandwich at 2 a.m. and an omelet at 7 a.m.

我早饭要吃里面带蔬菜和干酪馅的煎蛋清卷。I'm going to breakfast an egg-white omelet with vegetable and cheddar filling.

派翠西亚用力打蛋,然后再倒入热锅中做成蛋饼。Patricia whipped the eggs and then poured them into the hot pan to make an omelet.