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少数病例也可经血行转移至前尿道。A few of cases may be due to hematogenous metastasis.

基于病史,本例最可能是血行性转移。Based on history, hematogenous metastases is most likely.

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继发的恶性肿瘤可以是血行转移或直接侵犯而来。Secondary malignant tumors can occur by hematogenous spread or direct invasion.

经血行转移至右侧桥小脑角区脑膜,并在局部形成肿块2例。Hematogenous meningeal metastasis of cerebellopontine angle area was seen in 2 cases.

其中血源性骨髓炎14例,创伤性骨髓炎53例。There were 14 cases of hematogenous osteomyelitis and 53 cases of traumatic osteomyelitis.

该型是结核和转移性疾病血源性播散的表现。This pattern is a manifestation of hematogenous spread of tuberculosis and metastatic disease.

后方硬膜外脓肿可能是由于远方感染的血行播散所致。Posterior epidural abscesses may occur as a result of hematogenous spread of remote infections.

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SEA可以使血行播散所致或邻近结构直接感染。An SEA can result through hematogenous spread or from direct extention of adjacent discitis or osteomyelitis.

肿瘤的血性转移是一个高度受控、多因子参与的动态级联反应过程。Hematogenous metastasis is a highly regulated process and a cascade of dynamic events involving many factors.

肿瘤转移的方式主要有淋巴道转移、血道转移和种植转移。The modes of tumor metastasis have lymphatic metastasis, hematogenous metastasis and implantation metastasis.

感染是由远处的脓毒性病灶血性播散而来,而尿路感染是最常见的感染源。The source of infection is hematogenous spread from a distant septic focus of which UTIs are the most common source.

肺泡细胞癌极易与肺部感染,血行播散型肺结核,肺转移癌误诊。It is usually misdiagnosed as pulmonary infection, hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis and metastatic carcinoma of lung.

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这种治疗偶可致血性播散,组织学表现和TB相似但易于治疗。This rarely results in hematogenous dissemination, identical in appearance and histology to miliary TB, but easier to treat.

细支气管肺泡细胞癌易与肺部感染、浸润型肺结核和血行播散型肺结核等误诊。It is usually misdiagnosed as pulmonary infection, infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis and hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis.

发病机理尚不太清楚,最为人所接受的转移路径是血源性播撒,不仅通过动脉而且通过Batson‘s静脉丛。Pathogenesis is poorly understood. The most accepted route is hematogenous spread, both arterial and through Batson's venous plexus.

结论造血干细胞移植前的全身大剂量放疗是一种稳妥有效、值得重视的治疗方案。Conclusion High dosage radiotherapy before transplantation of hematogenous stem cell is an effective and considerable project for recipient.

结论VEGF-C与食管鳞癌的侵袭、淋巴结转移、手术后血性转移以及预后有一定关系。Conclusion VEGF-C may be related to invasion, lymph node metastasis and postoperative hematogenous metastasis of the carcinoma and prognosis.

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目的白血病、恶性淋巴瘤等恶性肿瘤造血干细胞移植前的全身大剂量放疗的探讨。Objective To investigate the effect of high dose radiotherapy before transplantation of hematogenous stem cell in leukemia and malignant lymphoma.

双侧肾脏表面见大量微小脓肿,它们是细菌感染后血行播散造成的。Here is a kidney with much more The surfaces of both kidneys demonstrate multiple microabscesses from hematogenous spread of a bacterial infection.

目的明确血行播散型结核累及腹部器官的CT强化特征及其优势解剖分布。Objective To clarify CT enhanced features and the anatomic distribution of the affected abdominal organs in hematogenous dissemination tuberculosis.