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洗礼堂位于教堂以西,平面三角形,直径274米。Baptistery is located in the west of the church, flat triangle, diameter 274 m.

洗礼堂起源于作为战神马尔斯的罗马寺庙的信念持续了好几个世纪。The belief that the Baptistery originated as a Roman Temple of Mars persisted for centuries.

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由大教堂、钟塔和洗礼堂组成,位于佛罗伦萨杜阿莫广场和圣。From the Cathedral, Bell Tower and Baptistery composition, is located in Florence Due Mo Square and St.

拥有由洛伦德·吉贝尔蒂所雕刻的天堂之门的洗礼堂,可能是佛罗伦萨现存最老的建筑。Home to Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise, the Baptistery may be the oldest surviving building in Florence.

拥有由洛伦德·吉贝尔蒂所雕刻的天堂之门的洗礼堂,可能是佛罗伦萨现存最老的建筑。Home to Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise, the Baptistery may be the oldest surviving building in Florence.

许多艺术家都踊跃参与到建造教堂,雕塑巨型洗礼门等工程中来。There were cathedrals to be built, giant baptistery doors to be sculpted, and lots of artists wanting to get in on the action.

首批旨在保护斜塔及其附近的中世纪教堂和洗礼堂的安全门已经安装完毕。The first of several gates aimed at protecting the tower as well as the adjacent medieval cathedral and baptistery has been put into place.

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六角形混凝土建筑象征着洗礼池,内部保留了石质的祭坛。The hexagonal concrete box represents the baptistery inside which the stone remains of the ciborium are displayed in their original position.

两个突出的塔中的一个,包含著洗礼池,由当地制造的瓷板贴面,塔的整堵墙全部贴满了。One of the project in g towers in the facade contain the baptistery that, clad entirely in locally made tiles, rises to the full height of the tower.

1987年,塔被宣布为奇迹广场联合国教科文组织世界遗产的一部分沿与邻近的大教堂,洗礼堂和墓地。In 1987, the tower was declared as part of the Piazza dei Miracoli UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the neighbouring cathedral, baptistery and cemetery.

沿著早期基督教教堂高大厚实的砌墙边上,我还能分辨出在保存得相当完整、复杂精美的马赛克镶嵌地板中央,静静的躺著一座洗礼池,周围环绕伫立著两圈石柱。And alongside the massive walls of an early Christian church, I could make out the double circle of pillars of a Baptistery in the centre of a perfectly preserved intricate mosaic floor.