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这是对在家同修们说的。The last prohibition is for laypeople.

可以这么说吗?,这是本专门为普通人写的书。Could I say that? It's meant for laypeople.

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我们所有人,包括在家众都可以成为圣者。All of us, including laypeople can be Noble.

其他测试则是设计由外行人来执行的。The other tests were designed to be given by laypeople.

许多外行人跟我说,根据他们的经验,我的方向是正确的。Many laypeople told me that they knew from experience that I was on the right track.

科学家谈论一种病原体的“毒力”,但是这对于普通人的意义是什么?Scientists talk about the 'virulence' of a pathogen, but what does that mean to laypeople?

不要尝试拆开仪器,非专业人员对仪器拆卸和组装会损坏仪器精密部件。Do not try to disassemble the instrument. Actions done by laypeople may damage the machine.

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有一种僧人和俗家修行者都采取的冥想方式是连续10天保持绝对静默。A mediation technique that both monks and laypeople practice is a 10-day period of total silence.

我和牧师及普通民众一起,帮助因工厂倒闭而备受蹂躏的社区。I joined with pastors and laypeople to deal with communities that had been ravaged by plant closings.

它要求牧师及俗人通过日常的规矩来努力追求圣化。Opus Dei urges priests and laypeople to strenuously pursue sanctification through everyday discipline.

这是一个简单的参考书籍一系列旨在教友在单位或读一两页。This is a series of brief reference books for laypeople designed to be read in units of one or two pages.

与此同时,有教会消息人士对天亚社说,目前除了两位分别由商神父家人和教友聘请的律师能接触商神父外,其他人一概不能见面。Meanwhile, no one has been allowed to see Fr Shang except two lawyers hired by his family and several laypeople.

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但西恩并没有忘记自己最初的信仰,他根据神圣之道的神职人员称呼普通信徒的词语命名自己的旗舰。Syn, however, did not forget his roots, naming his flagship after a word used by the Sacred Way's clergymen when addressing laypeople.

如果无法证明自己具有远远超越新手的优势技巧,就不能算是个真正的专家,充其量不过是个有证书的外行人罢了。Without a demonstrably immense superiority in skill over the novice, there can be no true experts, only laypeople with imposing credentials.

当僧侣们接受在家人的轮施时,是不能拒绝任何食物的,不论食物中是否有动物配料成分。As the monks make their alms round, laypeople give them food. Monks are not allowed to refuse any food, whether it has animal ingredients or not.

这个称呼很要紧的,普通一般在家人来讲,你称呼人,不能称人的名字,应该称呼人一个别号,那个别号又叫字,称那个别号。It is important to know how to address people. In general, laypeople should not call one another by their official names. They should use a style name.

从SQL查询的目的是智能教友谁需要提取的信息数据库,并在开发和其他IT人谁是新的数据库。Beginning SQL Queries is aimed at intelligent laypeople who need to extract information from a database, and at developers and other IT people who are new to SQL.

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随着计算机技术与通信技术的发展,为了方便非专业人员使用各种嵌入式设备,各式各样的人机交互界面应运而生。With the development of the computer and communication technology, various man machine interfaces has been developed for laypeople to use the embedded system conveniently.

创造性内隐观是指专家和外行怎样看待创造力这一概念,即他们认为具有创造性的个体有什么样的心理特点和心理结构。Creative Implicit Theory is about experts and laypeople ' conceptions of creativity, that is to say, how they think of the creative people' psychological attributes and structure.

华东浙江省温州教区的「公开」团体在永嘉铎区马岙村五台山修建的骨灰堂第一期竣工,迁移了原葬于山顶上的已亡神职人员遗骸,并在十一月炼灵月前夕首次举行追思纪念会。About 600 laypeople and nuns attended a memorial service last weekend for remains of revered figures moved to a newly-built columbarium in Wenzhou diocese, eastern Zhejiang province.