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一个玩笑话将在周二就MTV的处子秀。A teaser will debut on Tuesday on MTV.

今天我们就讨论这个话题。But for now, today's teaser will be this.

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做了每个人都喜欢这个新的挑逗为HIAM吗?。Did everyone like the new teaser for HIAM?

第一HIAM挑逗应该出去在星期五。First HIAM teaser should be out on Friday.

起绒机是用来解开纤维的。A teaser is used to disentangle the fibers.

所以这是一个函数引导。So this is a teaser of functionality to come.

下课之前,我想留一个脑筋急转弯。I want to leave you with what I call a brain teaser.

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看看这幅图片,画着一个消防员举着一个婴儿。Note that the teaser image shows a fireman holding a baby.

之前讲的有点乏味,但是,高潮就要来了。But, uninteresting for now but a teaser of details to come.

然而命运捉弄人,你的股票跌到7元了。However, the fate of teaser , your stock has fallen to 7 yuan.

检查从英国人,第九届挑逗的让我靠靠音乐视频!Check out the 9th teaser from Brit's Hold It Against Me music video!

加强你的肌肉与脊柱传情组合在一个健身球。Strengthen your spine muscles with teaser combinations on an exercise ball.

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运行,这周五的亮点就是--这个高潮。a out If I now run a.out, your teaser for this Friday's lecture is this climax.

请释放那个带给咱们巨大愉快的友好的农民逗趣者。Please release those pleasant peasant teaser who brings us plenty of pleacertain.

其中最好的挑逗海报所有时间的推移,这种形象的喜剧演员淫办公室性。One of the best teaser posters of all time, this image smacks of kinky office sex.

如果你阅读一下这个概要,我将给你一个小的技巧,好的。If you read a quick plot summary here, I'll just give you a little teaser. All right.

这个脑筋急转弯网站提供各种不同的游戏和琐事游戏挑战你的大脑。This brain teaser site provides a variety of games and trivia to challenge your mind.

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第一个挑逗性的视频将给予更多的洞察世界的首映HIAM视频。The first teaser video will give more insight into the world premier of The HIAM video.

默认操作是为节点主体和摘要创建并存储主题化的输出。The default action is to create and store the themed output for the node body and teaser.

总结起来,就是几个命令,一个有意思的代码,然后是那个小技巧,那是一个小技巧。So a couple of commands and then an interesting code and then the teaser, that's a teaser.