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近几天一直阴雨连绵。These cloudy days depress us all.

怎样压抑住自己易激动的情绪?How to depress him hotheaded mood?

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血压低可以吃冰糖坝吗?。Can hematic depress take rock candy?

他按下按钮开动了机器。Depress this button in case of fire.

完全踩下刹车踏板并踩住不放。Fully depress and hold down the brake pedal.

心脏的功能是把血液输往全身。Some medicines depress the action of the heart.

你压下一个风琴键,就会听到一个音符响。When you depress a key of an organ, a note is sounded.

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降低开关装置设定,以从玻璃框移去开关。Depress switch mounting tabs to remove switch from bezel.

轮作可以降低土壤EC值、盐分和硝态氮含量。Rotation could depress EC, content of salinity and NO-3-N.

我血压低轻微贫血能献血么?Is my blood depress slight and anaemic can you donate blood?

贫血血压低在饮食起居上应注意些什么?What should anaemic blood depress notice on dietary daily life?

血压低是怎么造成的。对身体有什影响?。How is hematic depress caused. Have assorted effect to the body?

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小剂量可抑制唾液分泌、支气管分泌及出汗。Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating.

在社交场合,你就是感到情绪压抑,也不要表露出来。At a social gathering even you feel depress and you can't appear it.

男人则容易沮丧,因而有较多的男人患有精神病。Men easily get depress and there are more men admitted in mental asylums.

房地产下跌的影响将集中在建筑市场的减少。The main impact of the property downturn will be to depress construction.

左翼也在抱怨,担心会压低最低工资。And the left is complaining because it fears it will depress low-end wages.

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但是,受电流崩塌和自热等效应影响,其器件性能被大大地降低。But current collapse or self-heat effects depress its performances heavily.

调律师当然不会去改变按键所需要的力量。Of course, the tuner did not change the force required to depress the keys.

此外,政府还推出了限价房,这会进一步助长房价的回落。It also is rolling out low-income housing that could further depress prices.