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在街机模式下完成50连击。Got a combo of 50 in Arcade mode.

表演一分钟的特技组合。Perform a minute-long Stunt Combo.

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暗影步现在奖励一个连击点数。Shadowstep now awards one combo point.

他们就说我是个双能卫。They were like, "Is he a combo guard?"

这种80-20的组合是什么样的呢?What would this 80-20 combo look like?

虚拟企业指的是成立虚拟联合体。Virtual entity means virtual combo here.

应用一个带动态数据的组合框Populate a JSF combo box with dynamic data

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将两种染发剂混合后再给头发染色。Mix the two, then use the combo on your hair.

从组合框中选择第二个元素。Select the second element from the combo box.

用交替槽去创造一些很有创造力的连段。Use the cross guage to create a creative combo.

我想要外带一个二道菜的套餐。I'd like to have a two-item combo to go, please.

一个麦辣鸡腿套餐和两个菠萝派。Spicy Chicken Combo and two pineapple pies, please.

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这里是一个组合抽牌的例子。Here is an example of properly playing a combo draw.

一个麦辣鸡腿套餐和两个菠萝派。A Spicy Chicken Combo and two pineapple pies, please.

继续为更点组合米的眼睛。Keep an eye on the combo meters for even more points.

生态群体本身就会在土地上自组织。An ecological combo self-organizes itself on the land.

我要一份麦香鸡套餐和一份6块的鸡块。I'd like a BigMac Combo and a six-piece chicken nuggets.

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灯和挂在衣架上的衣服结合在一起,这种设计来自赫里托·塞拉诺。Lamp and clothes hanger combo designed by Hector Serrano.

从“设置”组合框中选择“所有配置”。Choose All Configurations from the Settings For combo box.

我想要一份麦香堡套餐和一份20块鸡块。Can I have a BigMac Combo and a twenty-piece chicken nuggets?