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一个街舞博物馆,街舞的发源地是布朗克斯,还是一个室内游乐园?An indoor amusement park?

它不仅仅是一项娱乐。It's not a mere amusement.

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这一齐都是为了娱乐某人。Its all for someones Amusement.

我很心水游乐园呢!Wow! I like the amusement park!

阿齐兹饶有兴味地注视着他。Her eyes twinkled with amusement.

她忍俊不禁地颤动着嘴唇。Her lips twitched with amusement.

它是一个世界著名的游乐场。It's a world-famous amusement park.

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他饶有兴味地看着我。He looked at me with some amusement.

为什么不去苏州乐园?Why not go to Suzhou Amusement land?

我们的目的是游乐场?Is our destination the amusement park?

这个是传统娱乐节目的道具。This is the tool for traditional amusement.

这是世界上最好的娱乐园。This is the best amusement park in the world!

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下周我们要去娱乐公园.We next weekend-on amusement park-to will go.

他带着娱乐的心情看着我们的怪相。He watches our grimacing faces with amusement.

他的神情由惊变喜。His changed from surprise to one of amusement.

游乐场给他们无穷的乐趣。The fairground affords them endless amusement.

欢迎您来到北京石景山游乐园!Welcome to Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park!

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山居者以唱山歌作消遣。The mountaineers sing folk songs for amusement.

使我感到极其好笑的是,他的假胡子掉了下来。To my great amusement his false beard fell off.

公园既是一个娱乐园又是电影制作室。The park is both an amusement and a film studio.