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它能做算术。It does arithmetic.

他算术没有及格。He failed in arithmetic.

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他擅长算术。He is good at arithmetic.

这儿应该是运算类型。It expected arithmetic types.

这个数字上的差异是不容置疑的。The arithmetic is undeniable.

啊,这是因为我们没有他的算学。Ah, we haven't his arithmetic.

音乐,文笔,算术.Music, writing, and arithmetic.

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这是小学生都会的算术。That's grade-school arithmetic.

掌握好人生的四则运算。Mastering the arithmetic of life.

什么是算术级数?What is the arithmetic progression?

我所知道的就是其中的算术。All I knew was the arithmetic of it.

我替她做算术课家庭作业。I do the arithmetic homework for her.

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他教算术有诀窍。He has a knack of teaching arithmetic.

取笑帮助,就算术而言允许。Jape helps, as far as arithmetic allows.

浮点运算很少是精确的。Floating point arithmetic is rarely exact.

我们班里只用桔子做算术题。In my class we do arithmetic with oranges.

寻找石油的等差级数是严格的。The arithmetic searching for oil is stark.

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我看见他正在苦心思索一道算术题。I saw him puzzle over an arithmetic problem.

而我尤其擅长心算。I wasparticularly good at mental arithmetic.

我特别擅长心算。I was particularly good at mental arithmetic.