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梵天超越了思想和语言。Brahman is beyond mind and speech.

梵天是唯一的真正存在。Brahman is the only Real Existence.

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神圣母亲和梵天是一体。The Divine Mother and Brahman are one.

累了醉倒温柔乡,轻轻地梵唱!Tired druck loring, gently brahman singing!

梵天是无法用语言来描述。What Brahman is cannot be described in words.

我真的认为这是我的婆罗门永恒的性质。I am really that Brahman which is my eternal nature.

年老的圣人已经获得了梵天知识。The rishis of old attained the Knowledge of Brahman.

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梵天被诱捕到五种元素的陷阱里,他哭泣着。Brahman weeps, entrapped in the snare of the five elements.

只有一样事物没有受过这种污染,那就是梵天。Only one thing has not been defiled in this way, and that is Brahman.

可是没有人能够描述梵天,因此梵天不受污染。But no one has been able to describe Brahman. It is therefore unpolluted.

该专家解释对学生的教诲,韦丹塔,什么是婆罗门。The guru explains to the students the teachings of vedanta and what is Brahman.

这恐惧是思想的结果,而婆罗门也是思想的产物。This fear is the result of thought, and Brahman is the product of thought, too.

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这些答案仅仅适用于个体灵魂,梵天也丝毫不受它们的影响。The answer is that these apply only to the jiva . Brahman is unaffected by them.

我们想认识梵天,绝对不可分割的存在―知识―喜悦。We want to realize Brahman , the Indivisible Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute.

所以我说根据吠檀多的推论,梵天没有属性。Therefore I say that in the light of Vedantic reasoning Brahman has no attributes.

林伽教派拒绝吠陀和婆罗门祭司,还有所有的种姓差别。Virasaivism rejected the vedas, the brahman priesthood, and all caste distinction.

蓝维尔和吉雅莎说婆罗门的人要来,让芭丽为他们准备食物。Blue and JiYaSha said brahman who would come, let barriss to prepare food for them.

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接着他向M解释梵天独一无二地成为了宇宙和所有的生命。He then explained to M. that Brahman alone has become the universe and all living beings.

释放的欲望在一个人的心,一个可能是解放不死,达到婆罗门。By releasing the desires in one's heart, one may be liberated in immortality , reaching Brahman.

室利罗摩克里希纳与他的门徒交谈的时候是面向东方,告诉他有关梵天知识的事。Sri Ramakrishna faced the east as he talked to his disciple and told him about the Knowledge of Brahman.