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维姬阿姨也已经去世了。Aunt Vicky has also passed on.

除了薇琪之外,没有人通过考试。No one passed the exam except for Vicky.

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电影制作人维姬和她心爱的种子项链。Film maker Vicky and her beloved seed necklace.

上完化学课后,克拉克与薇琪在聊天。Clark and Vicky are talking after chemistry class.

微琪上星期在赌场大赚一笔。Vicky cleaned up a profit at the casino last week.

安德鲁.亚当森和简森执导该片。Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson directed the movie.

维琪向她的姐姐买了一部故障的旧车给我。Vicky bought me a broken-down old car from her sister.

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亮亮有很多梦想,你的梦想是什麽呢?Vicky has a lot of wishes in her dream. How about you?

亮亮和小绿松了一口气,连忙举手,然后跑去上厕所。Vicky and Lucy raise their hands and run to the toilet.

放学了,亮亮一直对妈妈说今天在学校发生的事。After school, Vicky tells Mother everything in the school.

薇琦和克里斯提娜决定在巴塞罗那度过他们的夏日假期。Vicky and Cristina decided to spend the summer in Barcelona.

在Vicky身上我们看到了中国年轻人们心目中最重要的东西的变化。Vicky embodies the shift in the priorities of young Chinese.

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30岁,在北京的一家财会公司做精算师。Vicky Yang, 30, is an actuary at an accounting firm in Beijing.

维姬。哈周也住在法布罗克社区,她住在拖车活动房里。Vicky Harjo lives in a trailer, also in the community of Fallbrook.

Vicky是一家咨询公司的精算员,要在今晚把一个项目结束了。An actuary at a consulting firm, Vicky needs to close a project tonight.

大家早。我叫杨维琪,我是一名高中生。Good morning, everybody, My name is Vicky Yang. I am a student in high school.

维琦•波普正在谈论气候变化风险评估结果的波动范围。That’s Vicky Pope talking about the range of possible risks of climate change.

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姬莹一人骑车穿过洛基山脉抵达美国西部。Vicky cycled alone through the Rocky Mountains down to the western United States.

然而,姬莹很快了解到他们的骑车哲学很不一样。Vicky soon realized, however, that their travel philosophies were quite different.

亮亮把小熊放进置物柜,然后和小绿手牵手回到座位上。Vicky puts her bear on the shelf. Lucy and Vicky go back to their seats hand in hand.