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和蔼可亲的机器人。The Amiable Robots.

那名领导人装出和蔼可亲的样子。The leader did the amiable.

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我但愿能够说她一声可爱。I wish I could call her amiable.

谢谢您,可敬可亲的朋友!Thank you, amiable honorable friends!

他是个善良和气的老太太。She was a very kind and amiable old woman.

隔邻邻人们都是和颜悦色的人。The next-door neighbors are amiable people.

他们只知道他是个和蔼可亲的养蜂人。They had known him as an amiable beekeeper.

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我们需要既勤劳又和气的人。We want people who are hardworking and amiable.

我觉得他可敬可亲极了。I think him every thing that is worthy and amiable.

我只见过简一次,但她好像还算友好。I've only met Jane once but she seems amiable enough.

好吧,科西嘉先生,我就算这是天意吧。Well, amiable Corsican, let us suppose it is providence.

然而他本人看上去更像一个和蔼的大学教授。In the flesh, however, he's more like an amiable professor.

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周立波是可亲的人民作家,也是可敬的人民编辑家。Zhou Libo is an amiable writer and editor of people as well.

艾略特夫人是位难得的妇女,通情达理而又和蔼可亲。Lady Elliot HAD been an excellent woman, sensible and amiable.

在最后三天的旅游中,我们有了一位更和气的导游。For the last three days of the tour we had a more amiable guide.

一季春光,有你的歌声和你的可亲的面容而春暖花开。Spring season, have your voice and your amiable face and spring.

在下人们的眼中,张员外是个和善的人。In the eyes of the servants, Councillor Zhang is an amiable person.

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就我而言,玻尔是我见到的最和蔼可亲的同事之一。Personally, Bohr is one of the most amiable colleagues I have ever met.

不同于传统意义上的猎豹,扎库米的长相和蔼可亲,毫无凶相。Unlike the traditional sense of Leopard, Zakumi has amiable appearance.

若是天天都对着统一小我驯良可亲会使人的神经解体的。It destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being.