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萨克雷是典型的英国人,而且是典型的伦敦人。Thackery was an Englishman of Englishmen, a Londoner of Londoners.

苏格兰人若想知道伦敦人在说什么的话,他就必须仔细地听。Scottish person has to listen carefully if he wants to understand a Londoner.

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一个是传统伦敦人。我们称他们为伦敦佬,他们住在那儿,So one is your traditional Londoner. We call them a Cockney who lives out there,

所以参观伦敦的时候要避免那些脑子清醒的伦敦人不愿涉足的自治市。So visit London but avoid boroughs where no clearheaded Londoner will ever set foot in.

一个伦敦人理解一个苏格兰人比理解一个纽约人更难。A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman than understanding a New Yorker.

这些人无论如何都不会喜欢一个自以为对管理技巧很懂行的傲慢伦敦人。They were never going to like a snotty Londoner being superior about management fads anyway.

匹普要求赫伯特教他礼貌与规矩,说明他急于想成为一个伦敦人。Pip asked Herbert to teach him manners and rules, shows that he was anxious to be a Londoner.

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巴黎人、伦敦人、纽约人可能因为一条河没有码头、没有咖啡馆、没有散步长廊、没有巡航船而感到失望。Parisian, Londoner or New Yorker might find this sad—no quays, cafés, promenades, boat cruises.

伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人说话比听懂纽约人说话更难。A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.

来自英国的斯坦斯已经在极地附近行走了326英里,期间她历经了北极地区从未出现过的恶劣气候。The Londoner had trudged 326 miles through some of the worst weather conditions Arctic experts had ever seen.

伦敦小伙子乐观未来的三周回到梅尔伍德与队友参加全程的训练。And the Londoner is optimistic of joining his teammates in full training at Melwood within the next three weeks.

设计者里奇·马瑟是一位来自美国的伦敦人,“瘦削”一词就像是为他度身定造的。The architect is Rick Mather, an experienced American Londoner for whom the term "rangy" might have been coined.

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但是这位伦敦歌手似乎有后来居上的赶超之势,她今年唱片的销量占市面上唱片总销量的十分之一。But it seems the Londoner has overtakenthe American pop singer and has officially sold one in 10 records this year.

毕竟,科尔是一个伦敦人,他来自于海布里青训营,成为阿森纳和国家队3号球衣主人。After all, Cole was a Londoner who rose through the ranks at Highbury to make the Arsenal and England No 3 shirts his own.

就好像生活在地球表面的2维的伦敦人通过地心走捷径到悉尼一样。Sort of the equivalent of a 2D Londoner living on the surface of the globe taking a short cut to Sydney via the Earth's core.

如果你在菲律宾像典型的伦敦人一样,四处奔波一两个星期,你将很有可能死于中暑或衰竭。If you ran around like a typical Londoner for a week or two in the Philippines, you’d most likely die of heat stroke and exhaustion.

这些卡是由伦敦人亨利·科尔爵士委托画家所作,他是公认的商业圣诞卡的创始人。The cards were commissioned by Sir Henry Cole, a Londoner who is generally recognized as the inventor of the commercial Christmas card.

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作为伦敦人,他一直热情参与伦敦申奥过程,他为奥运会能在伦敦举办感到非常骄傲。"He was very involved in the London bid to get it, and as a Londoner he is incredibly proud that the Olympics will be in London," the source added.

伦敦出租车司机脑扫描显示,他们的大脑负责驾驶技能的海马区比一般的伦敦市民要大。Brain scans of the city's cabdrivers show that the part of the hippocampus associated with navigational skills is larger than in the average Londoner.

拉希德对警察表示自己被殴打致嘴唇开裂,而自己的胳膊和胸前都有不同程度的瘀伤。Londoner Rashed made an official complaint to officers at Paddington Green station and claimed he suffered a split lip and bruising to his arm and chest.